Avoid Common Video Production Pitfalls By Garrett Hemmerich on - TopicsExpress


Avoid Common Video Production Pitfalls By Garrett Hemmerich on August 18, 2014 There was a time when merely having a company website gave your business a huge advantage over competitors more resistant to change. A little while later, it was the same way with video production. Whether it was a corporate training video or a simple commercial, the sheer existence of a business video put you way ahead of the rest. Now, not so much. Today, people need a clear-cut reason to notice and remember you. Many viewers are multitasking, sometimes even watching television at the same time as your video, so it needs to be strikingly clever and truly memorable. Below, we’ll discuss some commonly made mistakes to avoid in order for your video to connect with impact. Coverage, coverage, coverage… First off, coverage. Coverage, coverage, coverage. One of the most common headaches in film and video production of any kind is the lack of footage. We can’t tell you how many times we’ve been confronted with this issue both by freelance filmmakers and in our own early production days. We’ve learned to gather an abundance of footage for any possible adjustment in the editing room. Every editor wishes they had that one more angle or those few extra seconds; the key is to provide the cook with ample ingredients. Don’t overwhelm your audience… Another common pitfall in video production has to do with length. Attention spans are getting shorter by the second. You need a focused intention rather than a barrage of information that bombards the viewer. This problem can be avoided by spending sufficient time in creative development during pre-production. Professional help with concept development, treatments, storyboarding, and scriptwriting can tighten things up, addressing these issues before they become production problems. Get your crew in tune… That leads us to an issue common in, not just video production, but any industry; the importance of communication, cooperation, and collaboration. The crew must be of one mind in terms of the intention of the video. They must have a firm understanding of the target audience and the concept. Only then will all the various types of people and talents be able to come together and move in the same direction, for the same reason. Video production is constantly evolving. As technology and techniques have become more sophisticated, so has the audience. It’s not about scrapping together a shabby video and throwing it up on your website anymore. You need to focus on immersive content as much as high-quality aesthetics. As you can see, there’s enough to think about during production; the key is to avoid these more common mistakes to leave ample time to handle the more unique dilemmas sure to arise. KVibe Productions is a full-service video production company. Whether it’s a product video production, a corporate video, a feature film, or a commercial production, KVibe offers the total package of multimedia services from development through distribution. kvibeproductions, kvibe, corporatevideos, shortfilms, films, commercials, infomercial, videoproduction, videos, productions, information, tvcommercialproduction, businesscommercial
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 18:02:10 +0000

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