Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your - TopicsExpress


Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it. #Colin Powell I read Colin Powell’s 13 rules of leadership while I was still in level 100. Colin Luther Powell (born April 5, 1937) is an American statesman and a retired four-star general in the United States Army. He was the 65th United States Secretary of State, serving under U.S. President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2005, the first African American to serve in that position. During his military career, Powell also served as National Security Advisor (1987–1989), as Commander of the U.S. Army Forces Command (1989) and as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1989–1993), holding the latter position during the Persian Gulf War. He was the first, and so far the only, African American to serve on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and was the first of two consecutive African American office-holders to hold the key Administration position of U.S. Secretary of State. When Franklin Cudjoe displayed once again his innate nature of intolerance and arrogance on my wall, he reminded me of an article I read on leadership by Colin Powell while I was an undergraduate student (level 100 precisely). At Uni and at Professional level, PhD researchers and professors allow people to debate them and question their stance. Once A professor of international relations( he was teaching a course in level 400 – US foreign policy towards Africa) who also served as my project work supervisor called and commended me after class on how I had debated him in class and asked various intriguing questions. Outside lecture halls however, people who run think tanks believes when some politicians and people they do not know or believe are below their rank debate them or seek answers from them, it will “ dilute their brand” – whatever that means, I do not know. Published below are Colin Powell’s 13 rules of leadership with its related stories. Point 3 for Franklin and anyone in leadership position who think subordinates or people below them can’t ask questions or debate them. In his book It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership, the four-star general and former secretary of state shares the 13 rules he lives by and how he learned them. From staying optimistic to checking your ego, the tips and stories are useful and thought-provoking for anyone, veterans and civilians alike. 1. It aint as bad as you think. It will look better in the morning. The guy is honest — he quickly follows this assertion with, Well ... Maybe it wont, but explains that the rule reflects an attitude and not a prediction. In infantry school, he learned to internalize this message: Things will get better. You will make them get better. He still strives for that mentality to this day, despite frequent evidence to the contrary. Before a tough meeting or hostile press conference, he will go to the bathroom, wash and dry his face, look in the mirror, and remind himself: An infantry officer can do anything. 2. Get mad, then get over it. Getting mad and staying mad are two different things. Getting mad is natural and healthy, he says, but staying mad is not useful. That experience was tested by my colleague the French Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin who made me — and most Americans — mad, very mad. Powell discusses early 2003, the period leading up to the Iraq War when France had a seat on the UN Security Council and was adamantly opposed to military action in Iraq. De Villepin attacked the U.S. position to the press. I was blindsided, Powell writes. The White House phones lit up. The TV evening news and the press the next day made my embarrassment complete. I was livid and I made that clear to Dominique ... [He] had screwed things up for me. (The U.S. moved forward and deposed Saddam Hussein in April of that year.) But Powell said he knew to not make France his enemy, and sure enough, in February of 2004, he called de Villepin in the middle of the night for an important favor. Former Haitian President Jean Bertrand Aristide had been forced to step down from office, a move which the U.S. had encouraged. As mobs were approaching Aristides home, Powell was able to quickly get him on a plane headed for South Africa. But South Africa refused to receive him. Half an hour later, [de Villepin] called back with a solution, and our anxious pilot soon had clear instructions ... My colleague and friend had come to my rescue. To put it all in perspective, he says that he often reminds people that the U.S. and France have been married — and in marriage counseling — for more than 230 years. The ties that bond us are stronger than the occasional stresses that separate us. 3. Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it. I encouraged all my subordinate commanders and staff to feel free to argue with me. My guidance was simple: Disagree with me, do it with feeling, try to convince me you are right and I am about to go down the wrong path. You owe that to me; Thats why you are here. But dont be intimidated when I argue back. A moment will come when I have heard enough and I make a decision. At that very moment, I expect all of you to execute my decision as if it were your idea. Going back to his second rule, he concludes, I still love you, so get mad, and get over it. 4. It can be done. Once again, it is more about attitude than reality. Maybe it cant be done, but always start out believing you can get it done until facts and analysis pile up against it. Its a balance. I try to be an optimist, but I try not to be stupid. Wait for #13. 5. Be careful what you choose: You may get it. Plain and simple. You will have to live with your choices. Some bad choices can be corrected. Some youll be stuck with. 6. Dont let adverse facts stand in the way of a good decision. There will be times when an adverse fact should stop you in your tracks. Never let it stop you completely until you have thought about it, challenged it, and looked for a way to get around it. Powell discusses one of his idols: Eisenhower. On the eve of D-Day, Powell writes, General Eisenhower faced one of the most difficult decisions any military commander has ever had to make. The weather was dicey; launching the invasion into bad weather could doom it, but he weathermen predicted a possible opening on June 6, 1944. He had been gathering information and planning this operation for months. He knew it in his fingertips. In the loneliness that only commanders know, he made his decision. He wrote a statement taking all the blame if the invasion failed. Yet his informed instinct said, Go! He was right. Powell said that whenever he is faced with a difficult decision, he goes back to his military training. Whats the situation? Whats the mission? What are the different courses of action? he asks. Now, follow your informed instinct, decide, and execute forcefully ... Then take a deep breath and hope it works. 7. You cant make someone elses decisions. You shouldnt let someone else make yours. Simply put: Go with your gut. After Powell retired from the Army and published his first book, people began wondering about his political ambitions and if hed run for president. A strong instinct told me that I had an obligation, a duty, to run ... but I was divided. An equally strong instinct warned that running for president would be a terrible choice for me. He spent two sleepless weeks agonizing, and ultimately decided against it. What drove my final choice was that I did not wake up a single morning wanting to be president ... It was not me. Once I accepted what my instinct was telling me, the choice was clear, the decision easy. 8. Check small things. When Powell was in the Army and responsible for inspecting the barracks, hed check the toilets — not to see if they were clean. Was there a shortage of toilet paper, were any mirrors cracked, were there any missing showerheads? Finding any of these situations immediately told me one of several things — the unit is running short on upkeep money, no one is checking up on these things to get them fixed, or the troops are not being supervised well enough. Find out which and fix it. He states that the large picture of success is built upon many, many small things, and knowledge of those things. The more senior you become, the more you are insulated by pomp and staff, and the harder and more necessary it becomes to know what is going on six floors down. Real leaders, he says, have a feel for whats going on in the depths ... where the small things reside. 9. Share credit. Something he learned in the Army was that its the human gesture that counts. People need recognition and a sense of worth as much as they need food and water ... Yes, medals, stock options, promotions, bonuses, and pay raises are fine. But to really reach people, you need to touch them. The other side is also true — he welcomes blame when something goes badly. It is your fault, not theirs. You are responsible. Analyze how it happened, make the necessary fixes, and move on. 10. Remain calm. Be kind. The calm zone is part of an emotional spectrum that hes worked hard to learn and maintain. He completely lost it once, and clearly hasnt forgotten it. He was a brigade commander and lost his temper at a sergeant whod gotten a DUI. The young soldier, rather than accepting the wrongness of his own actions, told Powell that the punishment would upset his family. I stood up and slammed my fist so hard on my desk that the glass cover shattered with a great crash. He said that, quite frankly, it felt good. He was infuriated and wanted to show it. But since then, he wrote, Ive learned to display extreme, out-of-my-comfort zone displeasure without destroying government property. On the value of staying calm, he writes, You are in a storm. The captain must steady the ship, watch all the gauges, listen to all the department heads, and steer through it. If the leader loses his head, confidence in him will be lost. So assess the situation, move fast, be decisive, but remain calm, and most importantly, he says, Never let them see you sweat. 11. Have a vision. Be demanding. Purpose. Thats the word he uses. Purpose is the destination of a vision ... Leaders must embed their own sense of purpose into the heart and soul of every follower. He discusses setting high (but achievable) standards and sticking to them. In the Army, [He] never saw a good unit that wasnt always stretching to meet a higher standard. 12. Dont take counsel of your fears or naysayers. He will never forget the fear, the feeling, when he first came under fire. It was Vietnam, 1963, and Powell was adviser to a Vietnamese infantry battalion. We were walking down a forested trail when we were hit by small arms fire from an enemy ambush. We returned fire and the Viet Cong enemy quickly melted back into the forest. It was over in less than a minute, but they lost a soldier. That night, as I tried to sleep on the forest floor, I was filled with the realization that the next morning we would probably be ambushed again. And we were ... That morning, and every morning, I had to use my training and self-discipline to control my fear and move on, just like the Vietnamese, just like every soldier since ancient times. Moreover, as a leader, I could show no fear. I could not let my fear control me. 13. Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier. It was late one winter night in Korea. Powell and his battalion of 500 soldiers had just finished a tough week of training and were waiting for trucks to take them back to their barracks 20 miles away when word came in that there was a fuel shortage. No trucks; theyd have to walk. [We] went for it, over some terrible hills. It was tough going. I wasnt sure I could keep up with these younger soldiers ... But I pushed it, and so did they, magnificently. At the last mile, we could look down at the lights of Camp Casey. We fell into step and marched into camp in the middle of the night singing out a cadence and waking up everybody in the camp. It was a great night. We had demanded a lot from our soldiers. But we had prepared them, we believed in them, they believed in us, and we had the confidence and optimism that they would succeed. #Some people think it’s their birthright to ask questions. Meanwhile, when you seek to get answers from them, they become extremely hostile. Thank God mediocrity is far below the belt and so some of us do not seek the approval of people who think every other person should bow to them. Criticism against President John Mahama is fast turning into Hatred. Who is to blame? Edudzi Kudzo Tameklo
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 21:56:15 +0000

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