Avoid the Unequal Yoke; Gods 1+1=1 - The holidays often bring - TopicsExpress


Avoid the Unequal Yoke; Gods 1+1=1 - The holidays often bring about blessings of engagements and confessions of love. Yet for many more, someone elses celebration causes a reflection on what we may be missing. Most Christians are not called to follow in the path of an eunuch for Christ. Companionship is not only desired, it is necessary. God understands this and He is sensitive to our needs. He has no shortage of love. Even still, He has to work on our character and development, while we await His manifestation. When we forge ahead of Him with a willful or unpurposeful disregard for His will, we endanger our well-being and set ourselves on a detour to delay our own destiny. As single Christians, we must spend time developing who we are, while were waiting on Gods provision. Never should we allow loneliness, frustration, or impatience influence us to seek the connection of any random person. More times than not, we will find ourselves in an unequally yoked relationship, which is promised to fail at some point in time, and cause heartache in the process. For those involved in ministry, the importance of partnering with the right person is even more critical. A persons ministry can be derailed from establishing a wrong connection. This doesnt mean those in ministry should not desire a mate or be hesitant in finding one. The seriousness of seeking God is important for those in ministry and those who arent. Those in ministry have an additional blessing though. When they find the right mate, ministry becomes easier, while the personal life is simultaneously blessed. The right person will not only have a passion for the other persons ministry, but an anointing to make it flourish even greater. Ladies, please understand the man God has for you will find you. He will not need convincing. He will find you before you even notice him. Remember this, Adam was the one looking. Eve was spending time with the Father. Be about your Fathers business and in His time and in His way, He will bring the mate to you that you are designed to walk with. Not every man you see is the one. Not every man that finds you attractive is a candidate. Not every man that you find attractive is a candidate. Not every man that pays you attention is worthy of your attention in return. Be kind to all, but set clear boundaries for yourself. Understand that any godly man who is serious about you and the way he feels about you will approach God first, before he ever speaks to you. He will consult God on whether you are the right one, when is the right time, and how he should pursue you. You will know him when he comes because the Father will reveal Him to you when he speaks to you. It is a godly man who will take into account his destiny and your destiny, before he brings the element of natural relationship into the picture. Men of the world have worldy intentions and desires. They will seek you out quickly with no regard for your spiritual well-being. They could care less about your destiny. Worldy men are not thinking about whats best for you. Theyre thinking about what will best meet their needs. Carnal Christian men and worldy men are driven by their natural needs and not their spirit. This enables them to court several different women over a lifetime or for some men simultaneously. They have no selectivity because theyre only looking at who is in their close proximity that can meet their need at that present time. If their location changes, or if a new women enters their environment, they can very well find someone else to attend to. These are inclined to take anything and mostly everything offered to them. This means they will not possess any appreciation for what they have in any one woman. They will instead rank the women based on who best fits and meets their current need. Their own future is not a concern. Meeting their present need is their primary focus. Whichever woman fares better will become the main woman they will run to. She may even be given a title around specific people. Yet when she is not meeting the need as he sees fit, he will still make use of his rolodex to pick what the world calls a side chick or two, who he can call in for backup when reinforcement is needed. Ladies never downgrade yourself to being a mans option. The godly man will not see you as an option but as a needed blessing and an extension of himself. If he doesnt place you before his own needs while youre dating, even in the event you do marry him, that will not change. Godly men are not so. They have spent time with God working on themselves, pursuing their destiny, and growing in their walk with God. God will prompt such men when the times comes to bring alongside a woman as a help meet. Men who are actively involved in church and passionate about their service to the kingdom will seek a woman who can not only fulfill all the natural duties a woman does, but also a godly woman who can help and not hinder his service to the body. I firmly believe that when we honor God and we walk in close fellowship with Him that He will give us the desires of our heart. He will also send us the provision we need to see those desires materialize into answered prayer and provision. For the single saint pursuing Gods will, it is not necessary to stop serving the kingdom or delay spiritual work to relationally connect to another. If God has given you a ministry to fulfill, He will bring alongside someone who can walk with you as you pursue the fulfillment of your ministry. Single saints, please know it is not a guessing game of seeing who will fit with you. Its a knowing game of knowing who you are, what God has called you to do, and accepting the help He has created for you. Dont lead with your eyes and emotions because they will get you in trouble. Now theres nothing wrong with feeling emotional about another person. Its human nature to love others. For the believer though, we get in trouble when we dismiss the spiritual guidance and attend only to what we see and feel. In Gods kingdom, the purpose of courting is getting to know the person you have an interest in marrying. Dating just to date, with no intentions for the future, is frivolous naturally and spiritually detrimental. When we have no regard for the spiritual consequences of our natural decisions, we behave in ways that position our heart for bruising or for our spirit detouring. Selecting the wrong person can destroy not only your witness, but also derail your destiny. Although God is a Savior and He makes our bad decisions work out for the good in the end, we shouldnt purposefully make bad decisions and test His grace. Marriage is the ultimate goal in any relationship two godly people should have. God is in the business of joining people together for natural relationship, companionship, and physical and spiritual intimacy. It is important to follow His leading because you dont want to join your body, soul, and spirit to someone you are not ordained to walk with. When Paul talked about a man joining himself to a harlot, I looked beyond her career (1 Corin 6:15). In this principle, I see God expressing that His needs were being neglected. The man didnt take into account whether God wanted to be the third person in the triple braided cord. So always ask yourself the question, Does God want to be in the midst of this relationship? How does God feel about what I feel? Does He have a place with us? Or do I have to put Him on the shelf, while I engage with this other person? In Gods kingdom 1+1=1. Make room for Him to come in and follow His lead and He will bless you indeed. This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one. Genesis 2:24 (NLT)
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:21:05 +0000

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