Avoiding pain and injury in aerial acrobatics (and in life) can be - TopicsExpress


Avoiding pain and injury in aerial acrobatics (and in life) can be tricky if we are pushing at our edge. And the edge (even if we are aware and educated in its nature) can be tricky to find - it moves! Pain is a signal that tells us, with utmost clarity, that were NOT at the place of our best growth. Our response to it should be unequivocal and simple: back off. Discomfort is another matter, and it is as varied as the weather and often an indication of real productivity. How do we learn the difference? It starts with deciding that pushing through pain is injurious and unproductive, and then using self-awareness and feedback from good coaches to map the range of useful discomfort. Check out the article below. Replace the words Dance, Dance teacher, Dancer with Aerial Acrobatics, Aerial coach and Aerialist and just tape this to your forehead. Or replace those nouns with life and human and things like that and youre good to go. Here are my favorite statements: The presence of pain changes motor control and facilitates the development of compensation. And You often need to regress to progress. The authors other posts look very promising and Im excited to find such a smart and wholistic trainer!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 21:13:59 +0000

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