Awakening. Phillipians 3:7-9 (Paul teaching on law vs - TopicsExpress


Awakening. Phillipians 3:7-9 (Paul teaching on law vs grace) I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. Yes, everything else is worthless when comparing to the great and infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord. For his sake I got rid of everything else, counting it all garbage, so that I could gain Christ and become one with him. I no longer count my own righteousness through obeying law; rather I become righteous through my faith in Christ. For Gods way of making us right with him depends on our faith in Him. Are we operating our Christian lives through legalism, ways of the past, dress codes, personal desires? Preaching and teaching on things that count for nothing in the kingdom of God? I came across this video this morning and yes its probably a couple of years old but it is accurate, it is heartbreaking, it is a wake up call. We are losing this generation because we refuse to do the work God called us to do. The statistics on this video are astounding! What are we doing? We are losing the generation. How can we change this? 1. First we have to experience God for ourselves. Paul was blinded before he declared that God is Lord of all creation. He had the awakening, the encounter, the life altering experience that changed his life and changed the world. 2. We live the love of God! We can know about the love of God but if we dont really know it because we have received it personally we cant give it away. 3. We have to work. Paul did not have that life changing moment and then sit in Jail just quietly thinking to himself well I could help if, I could minister if, I could tell others about Christ if....No! He sang, ministered and even addressed the churches from the prison cell. When you have the life changing experience of an encounter with God there is nothing in this world that will keep your mouth shut. 4. We have to realize that the world is not as it was 20 years ago. Our children are attacked on every side and even inside of their own homes through their cell phones, tablets, social media, google. We are competing with powers from hell like we have never seen before. This generation needs Jesus. They will only settle for the real deal and they can sniff out garbage like you Wouldnt believe. 2015 is coming fast! The Lord is on his way. The children are desperate for something real, will we keep doing what we do and expect a different result? I pray that every believer that reads this devotion and watches this video experiences a move of God so new and fresh and real that the desire to take this Generation for Jesus becomes stronger that the desire to eat or the desire to shut up when you know you should say something. I pray that God will awaken our entire community and this one community has the ability to change the entire world. Paul did! So can we! He makes all things new! In Christ we can alter this generation! With faith we can create an army for Jesus! The awakening will begin with you!
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 11:18:45 +0000

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