Awakening the Natural Genius in Black Children By Amos - TopicsExpress


Awakening the Natural Genius in Black Children By Amos Wilson | The individual of Afrikan descent who may be designated as demonstrating a holistic self-confident concept, is one who exhibits the following characteristics •He has consciously and unconsciously rejected white racist stereotypes of Afrikan people as fact. •He does not reactionary define himself but proactively defines himself in terms of his Afrikan culture, heritage and reality, in terms of the reality of his personal and social experiences and expectations. Thus he defines himself in ways which permits him to assume an authentic, coherent, cohesive African and human identity. •He builds his identity on both intrinsic and extrinsic factors; on his association with Afrikan-centered persons and those who respect his Afriknness; on consumption and cultural symbolic displays which uplift him and his people and maintain their mental and physical health and welfare; on pro-social behavior and dress. •He develops and appropriately transforms his attitudes, associations, perceptions, ways of defining himself and the world which permit him to directly comprehend and confront reality and to take personal responsibility for helping to rectify his, and his peoples problems as well as problems common to humankind. •He is centered balanced between a wholesome drive for self-preservation and continuing positive evolution and a wholesome drive for group preservation and evolution. His love for self and group are synonymous and he maintains a healthy sense of social interests, responsibility, and priorities. He recognizes that his personal Health and powers are finally dependent on the health and power of his ethnic group. The priorities of his ethnic group comes first. He is dedicated to the liberation of his people from bondage of all types. •He is motivated by his self-determined needs based on accurate, realistic, self-examination; self-knowledge and self-acceptance on self-actualization, task-oriented problem-solving drives to resolve conflicts which bedevil him and his ethnic group. •He is realistically self-confident. He does not doubt his capacity nor that of his people to equal or surpass the accomplishments of others. He feels that his talents are best displayed and utilized in the service of his people and against domination by other people. •He realizes knowledge of truth and the continuing, joyous pursuit of knowledge are liberating. He is deeply aware that Afrikan peoples have the longest scholarly and intellectual tradition, that scholarship and intellection are Afrikan traditions and inherently Afrikan. When he practices mathematics, science, Philosophy, etc., he celebrates the best of Afrikan tradition and through such practices maintains Afrikan cultural identity and consciousness. He recognizes that there is nothing foreign or alien about his pursuit of the highest level of cognitive competence of which he is capable. •He avidly seeks self-knowledge, knowledge of his and other cultural groups; knowledge of the world and of reality in general. He seeks to be productive and contributive. He continues to integrate into his personality and self-concept an honest knowledge and sense of ethnicity. The infrastructure of his personal and social identities consist of a resolute and unassailable sense of ethnic pride, ethnic and human connectedness
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 08:27:26 +0000

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