Awareness and action are two primary ingredients to evolution. - TopicsExpress


Awareness and action are two primary ingredients to evolution. Awareness helps us find our way. It brings possibilities to the forefront of our mind and gives us the opportunity to rethink our choices and decisions. Awareness brings us information for us to consider. Awareness opens our vision, enlightens our intuition and knowledge, and thrusts us forward on the path of development and evolution. At this time, when our world is about to awaken, evolution is speeding up and more and more are becoming aware of who they/we really are, our true spiritual nature and our destiny to bring our consciousness back in alignment with the creative life force energy of the Universe, also known as God. Many are wondering why, at this great plateau we have entered, is there so much crime, domestic violence, split families, loneliness and threats of a third world war. The answer is really quite simple. These are the parodies of the great fight of good against evil. While not to be taken literally, it is the fight between those of low conscious vibration trying to hang onto the remnants of the unauthorized power and monetary gain and control over the masses they have gained over the past eons of time on our planet. Why had the traditional family seemingly lost so much ground in the past one hundred years? It seems to have lost ground because souls needing to fulfill contracts, balance karma and help bring light and truth to earth have chosen to incarnate in areas of great challenge, particularly genealogical lines that are in dire need of light stimulation, truth and knowledge. When a soul chooses to be born again, it will often choose a DNA line that will allow it to grow, to balance karma, or to fulfill a contract. A soul of higher energy, insight and intuition can also choose a DNA line to incarnate into in order to infuse that line with light. Sometimes, for that DNA, it is a first contact experience and the family members may or may not accept well, the seeming soul-intruder. The soul must, however despite hatred, disdain, criticism or judgment, fulfill his/her contract to introduce light and to do so with love, compassion and detachment. At some point, the soul of light, will withdraw their presence from the family but continue to infuse light into their genes from a place of light and healing. If unfamiliar with the tendrils of emotion, the soul may require some period in the healing chambers at night in order to keep a steady flow of detachment and compassion so that his/her work can be completed. All souls, especially the unenlightened, must be given free will choice and noninterference so that they may clearly decide, at their own spiritual level, what choice they will make for their own soul’s development. By forming a strict detachment to the family, the soul of light will be better able to accomplish their spiritual work and free themselves of emotional hurts, pain, attachments or sorrow. When the time is right, the soul of light will then reconnect with his/her true root family, likely of the higher realms and any feelings of separation or loneliness will disappear, replaced by love, truth and spiritual connectivity. In many families, you will hear of a “black sheep” in the family, someone who does not fit their groove or who had rejected some aspect of what they have traditionally believed to be truth. A quick examination of this black sheep’s intention, purpose and values will often give you a clue about their spiritual destiny and why they were born into that particular family. Many may even see themselves in such a role. Awareness opens the door to evolution and often allows the souls in any given genealogy line to thrust themselves forward when given a new opportunity to reincarnate. For some, there is also the possibility of getting off the wheel of incarnation and to become true lightworkers also helping to give a hand up to others reaching for the light. Rohana
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 02:23:38 +0000

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