Awe. That is so sweet. This right here goes to show that there are - TopicsExpress


Awe. That is so sweet. This right here goes to show that there are still good and caring ppl in this world. And you know what I noticed and no disrespect bc I dont mean this in a bad way by any means but its always foreigners that do this kind of caring act. This is so sweet for them to take their time out and do this. Bc these ppl at these fast food places dont make much and most all of em have a family they go home to everyday/night that they have to support on minimum wage ! The one that really got me is the very last one at the end of the video where the girl was wiping tables and was at work at 2am and he gave her $100 and 15 seconds after he walked out as they were still recording her thru the window you see her counting the money and then put her hand on her head like in disbelief that just happened and then does a very unselfish act and passes money on to a homeless man who had his hood up leaned over sleeping in a booth ! That was so sweet ! After she received money she used some of it and paid it forward to someone in need literally 15 seconds after she received it ! These guys are awesome !! This should inspire everyone to help and do at least one un selfish act a week or whatever you can afford. It doesnt have to be giving money ! Theres so many ways to pay it forward ! Go thru youre closet and donate clothes to homeless people who are in need , buy cases of water(even if its a generic store brand case) and go to homeless camps and pass them out, give them food,blankets and flashlights and a few dollars. Or change. Whatever you can spare ! Many people look at homeless people in the wrong way ! Most of them are very respectable ppl and are so sweet and have huge hearts and you wouldnt believe how much they appreciate just the smallest thing. Something so small and meaningless to you could make a world of difference to them ! I know this isnt about homeless ppl but this video got me thinking when I seen her give money to the homeless man ! We can all help. Just imagine if we ALL donated at least one thing to someone in need. Imagine how bug of a difference we could make !!!! Just think about it !!!!
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 14:47:49 +0000

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