Awe man, this sucks. I sure hope Brothers arent going to start - TopicsExpress


Awe man, this sucks. I sure hope Brothers arent going to start using assisted suicide to get up out of here. Times are hard, but dam...dont go out like this. This is the 3rd time in a few months that something like this has happened. That boy was old enough to know better. I wonder if he was mentally ill? I actually saw a man doing this outside of Utica & Fulton train station. It was night rush hour, and a bunch of us got off of the train and walked to the bus stop. This huge Hispanic dude was walking in circles talking to himself, and kept pulling out a handgun pointing it at people, crouching down, aiming and pointing it, then putting it away. That ish scare the mess out of us, so at the bus stop, I surely did call the police, a few of us did cuz I didnt know if he was insane or not, gonna shoot someone or not, whatever...I wasnt taking a chance because had I brushed it off, and he shot someone, that ish would have been on my conscience for the rest of my life, and he is not worth that for me. So he heard sirens, looked like he threw the gun in the bushes there or something and started walking away. Within a few seconds about 3 police cars roll up as he was crossing the street and they surrounded him...officers jumped out and just started searching him. They didnt find it on him, but questioned him. He was acting like he had no idea what they were talking about. After about 5 minutes, they just let him go. They looked around for the gun, but ended up just riding away. That crap was the strangest thing Id ever seen. The bus rolled up, and folks jumped on and the whole bus was talking about him pointing the gun and trying to figure out what he did with it. Well, he got off lucky that night. I didnt want him to die...but I definitely wasnt trying to leave him out there terrorizing people with a gun, whether he was planning on shooting someone or not or whether it was real or not. That mess was not cool. The thing with this is, people want to scream about racist cops, and while thats true for many, and even the system they work for, keep in mind that in the case in which WE had our own territory and governing as Black people, sometimes these outcomes would be exactly the same. If I roll up and you pull/point a gun at me, Im probably not going to wait around and see if its real or fake or if youre actually going to shoot me...mainly because if it IS real, and if you DO shoot me, then Ill be seriously injured or dead and I just cant stand for that. People can protest all you want, but this crap wouldnt fly in our own society, so dont try to convince yourselves that others should let it slide. I do know that they let white folks slide sometimes, before they actually shoot...but Im not letting anyone slide, white, black, latino, asian, etc...point or pull a gun on me while I have a licensed gun on me, and youre going down. The entire system is racist, but there are some officers who are just glad to have a job and just want to make it home at night. My sister is one of them. She does not go to work with the intention of causing someone harm, but if it comes to it, she has to do what she has to do. Hasnt come to that as of yet, and I surely hope it doesnt. I feel bad for this child, and his family. Its my first time watching the video, and its actually not as bad as folks made it seem. They didnt roll up and start shooting. There was a brief hesitation, and he did try to pull it out. If a 12 years old boy doesnt know that an act like that will pretty much get you shot on the spot no matter what part of the world you live in, then his community has gravely failed in teaching him that, and/or hes severely mentally ill and wants to die. Either way, its a really unfortunate situation...but I wouldnt say the officer was wrong in this case. You may try to take my Black card since folks are still sensitive about the Ferguson verdict...but oh well, thats the way it is. I like to pull the race card on most things too, but you just cant do it here. The dispatcher COULD have told them its probably fake, but either way, the dispatcher is not there with their life on the line, and those officers did not have to take a chance, especially since instead of just putting his hands up and saying its fake, he decided he would try to pull it out. Every Black man that gets caught with (real) guns on them dont get killed...theres a few very close to me who can speak from experience. Theyll have to do a little time...but its not something that will automatically have you executed in the streets. You try to pull it, and thats a whole other story. The other video in slow motion will be in the comments. He definitely tried to pull it, and they got the jump. I dont know what kind of time he would have gotten had things gone differently, but it wouldnt have been much. This is a real shame. Yall can pull the race card if you want, but if you were that person walking by that he pointing that gun at up-close, Im sure you wouldnt take it lightly. That was a grave mistake on his part, and unfortunately his family and friends are suffering the loss. I pray their strength during such a hard time. This is devastating.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 06:10:09 +0000

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