Awolowo was from Ikenne (Remo), one of the smallest towns in Ijebu - TopicsExpress


Awolowo was from Ikenne (Remo), one of the smallest towns in Ijebu province (part of present day Ogun state) and his Remo people were indeed considered as minorities in yorubaland when compared to people of Ibadan, Oyo, Egbaland, Ijebuland etc; in spite of this, on no occasion did Awo ever complain that the majority yoruba tribes never allowed him to function as a Premier. He understands the power he wields too much to accommodate such a pedestrian thought. Yes, he played the required politics too by always choosing his deputies from the Oyo speaking majority (Bode Thomas from Oyo and later Ladoke Akintola from Ogbomoso). It is a fact that nearly all the elites in Yorubaland used to hate Awolowo but because Awo was a great performer and he transformed the lives of the masses in a way no one has ever been able to equal or rival in Nigeria before or since then, none of the elites was bold enough to show this hatred publicly. Gowon was another minority, and this one even had the audacity to fight a war against one of the major tribes in the country. Gowon knew he could not wage such war with his own people alone so instead, he became presidential and did all the right things. Things only a ready President who is sure of himself can do. He even made Awo (probably the best brain that Nigeria has ever produced and a most ambitious man) his civilian vice President, the war tactician, leader of the advisory council and also the minister of finance . Gowon was never afraid of Awo taking power from him. He knew he had a war to win and all available brains most be engaged. The best hands need to be in government and not outside of it. Babangida was another minority Head of state. He quickly identified those who can make the country ungovernable for him (the yoruba/Edo/Delta axis). The Deltan people got a state, their daughter was the 2nd vice President/first-lady (the first wife of a President with a budget and office). The people simply lost the will to fight their own son in law. The Edo part had most of their egg-heads working as SAs and PAs to the President, and for the Yorubas, only Gani Fawehinmi remained a thorn in the flesh of IBB throughout his stay. Wole Soyinka, Tai Solarin etc were all invited to come in and practice what they preach. At a point the yorubas were so in love with IBB, that some people started speculating that he is probably a Yoruba-man. Ibbs possible biggest error was the june 12, annulment of MKOs election (I would reserve my verdict on that until I see Ibbs memoirs. I hope he would leave one in his will). Now, to the reason for this post. Where are our best brains at the moment? They are all out of government simply because one lily-livered man holds on to the belief that they would seize power from him. The few he has are even being hounded out of goverment by criminals (Bart Nnaji, Sanusi etc). He is so timid and cowardly, that he would rather have a clueless vice President than have someone with balls on his ticket. You can imagine if we have a proactive vice President on seat at the moment, wont he have found at least some solutions to this Boko Haram menace? Some people have made up their minds to continue to look for excuse for this man, but I tell them they are the ones letting him get away with this unprecedented cluelessness. A President that cannot preside is definitely not a President even if you continue to call him such. I would end this piece with a prayer. May we all live long enough and witness the time Nigeria would have a President with the intelligence, zeal and pragmatism of Awolowo; tact, wit and diplomacy of Zik, and the patriotism, love for his people and pride in our heritage like Ahmadu Bello. Then, only then, would Nigerians know what we have been missing for years. Happy Easter to you all.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 07:08:16 +0000

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