Ayahuasca: The Vine of the Souls The word ayahuasca is a - TopicsExpress


Ayahuasca: The Vine of the Souls The word ayahuasca is a composite of two Quechua words: aya meaning ‘spirit,’ ‘soul’ or ‘ancestor’ and huasca meaning ‘vine’ or ‘rope’ – hence it is known as ‘the vine of souls.’ It plays a central role in the spiritual, healing and cultural traditions of the Amazon and is widely employed throughout Amazonian Perú, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, western Brazil, and in portions of the Río Orinoco basin. In 2008 was constitutionally recognised by the Peruvian government as a National Treasure. Its ceremonial use is ancient. The oldest know object related to the use of ayahuasca is a ceremonial cup, hewn out of stone, with engraved ornamentation, which was found in the Pastaza culture of the Ecuadorean Amazon from 500 B.C. to 50 A.D. It is deposited in the collection of the Ethnological Museum of the Central University (Quito, Ecuador). This indicates that ayahuasca potions were known and used at least 2,500 years ago. Its antiquity in the lower Amazon is likely much greater. Ayahuasca is usually made by mixing two or more distinctive plant species capable of producing psychoactive effects when brewed together and consumed. One of these plants is always the giant woody liana vine called ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis Caapi). The other plant or plants combined with ayahuasca generally contain tryptamine alkaloids, most often dimethyltryptamine (DMT). The plants most often used are the leaves of chacruna (Psychotria viridis and other species) and oco yagé; also known as chalipanga, chagraponga, and huambisa (Diplopterys cabrerana). When ayahuasca is drunk it can open up a new world for us which is extraordinary, amazing and healing – and yet it is the same world we are a part of every day; ayahuasca simply allows us to see it with new eyes. The experience normally begins soon after drinking (15-60 minutes) with a feeling of warmth in the stomach which then spreads throughout the body. Most people describe this as very pleasant, like being in a warm, body-temperature bath. The peak starts at about 40-90 minutes after ingestion and can last 2-6 hours. This is when the visions begin, which may be of ‘other worlds’ or new perspectives on ‘this world’ and/or recollections in words, sights, sounds or feelings of episodes and events from your life which need to be healed and which you can now approach from a position of power and strength, aided by the spirit of ayahuasca. After effects can last another 1-8 hours. A large dose will last longer and be more potent than a smaller dose will. However, if a user ingests too much, they will probably black-out and forget the experience. It is nearly impossible to overdose and die. After you drink ayahuasca, you may have to vomit. This does not happen to everyone but it is fairly common. Vomiting itself is unpleasant but it should not be considered an allergic or negative reaction. If you do have to vomit, afterwards you will feel as though you have been purified from the inside out. The best way to minimize the chance of vomiting (or at least limit the amount), is to fast for 24 hours prior to ingestion. That means drinking water only (no food at all) for one full day before drinking the brew. A lot of hype has also been written about ayahuasca, so it is a good idea to remain cautious about accounts which relate ‘massive cosmic visions’ that change lives in seconds and reveal the innermost secrets of the universe! This can happen, of course, as some participants in ayahuasca ceremonies suggest – but it is by no means common. In our experience healing is more likely to come through a subtle shift in awareness, a deepened understanding of your place in the world or an increase in personal power rather than visionary encounters with cosmic serpents and such like. If you are interested in experiencing the profound mental, physical and spiritual effects of ayahuasca you should seek out a reputable shaman and consume the drink in a ceremonial setting.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 10:58:16 +0000

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