Ayano sat before Shintaro on his bed, looking at him happily, - TopicsExpress


Ayano sat before Shintaro on his bed, looking at him happily, though a bit flushed. She lightly moved her bangs out of her face and behind her ear, a gesture Shintaro had seen her do many times in the past when she was nervous. But this time was different, and a look a sheer horror filled Shintaro’s face. The memory of that wretched phone call that caused the single most horrible day of his life came flooding back into his mind as he stared at the girl’s face. Ayano let out a tired laugh. “You know how clumsy I can be sometimes…” she sighed and leaned in dangerously close. ”But I mean, it’s really all your fault Shintaro”. His heart leapt up into his throat and picked up a frighteningly fast pace. “I mean, you knew I was upset. If only you…” her voice trailed off and she began to sob, covering her face with her hands. “If only you had come to talk to me! Then I wouldn’t be like THIS!” She removed her hands from her face, which had now paled to match the lily-white paper cranes she’d always folded. The circles under her eyes had darkened and bore deep down into her face, as though they had been carved in. The wound in her head began to gush blood and run down her cheek, dripping off the tip of her chin and into Shintaro’s lap. It stung hot and began to stain his bedsheets. He clapped both of his hands over his mouth in an attempt not to vomit. Shintaro backed away until his back was pressed up against his wall. There was nowhere for him to go, and the red and black clad girl would not take her hollow eyes off him. This was too much for Shintaro, and his eyes rolled back in his head. He fainted and fell back down into place, only to wake back up in his bed once again. However, this time his face was drenched with tears and his body had broken out into a cold sweat. Shintaro lurched up out of his bed and quickly snacked the waste basket from his bedside. He coughed and vomited, his whole body shuddering and his mind wrought with guilt. A moment of realization hit him and he turned his head to the calendar across the room. The square for the day’s date was marked with a red ‘18’. Shintaro then sat up and picked up his phone to check the time. It was just barely past midnight. “That’s right…” he muttered, “it’s her birthday today…”. He sunk back down into his mattress. A small yawn emanated from his phone, then came the tired voice, “…Huh? What was that, Master?” in a light tone. "It’s nothing Ene, go back to sleep" Shintaro assured her softly. Another yawn. “OK… If you say so… Goodnight master…” Shintaro placed his phone back down on the nightstand and lay down again. He buried his face in his pillow. This was precisely why he’d left school. The reminder that was her empty desk had been too much for him to look at each day. Now, even the subconscious memory of her birthday was enough to give him horrid nightmares and make him wretchedly sick. Shintaro pulled his blankets up over his head and let the tears flow free. He lay that way for almost an entire hour, silently crying himself to sleep and praying Ene would return to sleep mode without any further questions.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 10:01:28 +0000

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