Ayatt al-Birr . It emphasizes the true and real piety and - TopicsExpress


Ayatt al-Birr . It emphasizes the true and real piety and righteousness. The real purpose of religion is to foster piety and righteousness. The word “al-Birr” is very important. It means obedience to Allah, doing good deeds, respect and kindness to parents, care of other relatives and fulfilling the vows. “Al-Barr” is one of the names of Allah. It is also the quality of Allah’s angels. The Believers are also called “Abrar” and Allah has promised many rewards for the “Abrar. It teaches us to have complete unwavering Faith In Our Creator - in its essence and substance - is about being faithful to The Creator. Mere adherence to the rituals of Religion does not constitute real belief. Only when consistent and persistent active inner/outer effort and endeavor are combined does submission rise to the level to Faith. It is reported that this ayah was revealed to the Prophet –peace be upon him- when some hypocrites and non-believers in Madinah wanted to engage Muslims in the dispute over the issue of the Qiblah. They told Muslims, ‘Why are you facing Makkah now while you were facing Jerusalem before?’ What kind of religion is Islam? Why did you change the direction of your prayers? Does this mean that your prayers were wrong before and all these years you prayed in vain? Allah mentioned their talk in the Qur’an. He said: The Fools among the people will say: What has turned them from the Qibla to which they were used? Say: To Allah belong East and West: He guides whom He will to a Way that is straight. (al-Baqarah 2:142) Then the Ayat al-Birr came. Allah told Muslims not to get entangled in minor issues. They should focus their attention on the main things of their religion. The real religion or al-Birr is not limited to following some forms and rituals. The true religiousness or righteousness consists of some important qualities and actions. The following issues are most important in religion: 1. Iman: Faith in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the scripture and the Prophets. 2. Charity: Helping the kin, orphans, poor people, travelers, needy and to free the slaves. 3. Devotion and worship: Performing regular prayer and giving regular charity 4. Fulfilling the promise and contracts 5. Patience and perseverance in the situations of poverty, sickness or times of war and panic. Islam wants to build the individuals and the civilization on these principles. These principles must integrate in our personality and we must build our social order on these principles May Allah Guide us,,,,,,,Am!n
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 04:48:04 +0000

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