Ayn Rand disciple Alan Greenspan, was executor of her Last Will - TopicsExpress


Ayn Rand disciple Alan Greenspan, was executor of her Last Will and Testament to fulfill her wish to have a spray of flowers shaped to be a dollar $ign on her casket. He was Chairman of the Social Security commission for Reagan which raised the age of full retirement and doubled the payroll tax for a Social Security Trust Fund that Reagan and Greenspan as new FED chief confiscated with Reagan for more tax cuts for the rich and build up of the military industrial Complex with now today what has become antiquated equipment . And, now another extremist Ayn Rand disciple of the GOP, PAUL RYAN, is set to be AXE # 2 in line after ALAN GREENSPAN. Paul Ryan uses Ayn Rand language labeling citizens takers and parasites with what he terms entitlements. Why? These anti Social Security ideologies came through Ayn Rand from Russia with spite and hate. Ayn Rand hated Social Security and railed against it even though she took it! And, she is joined by GOP immigrant, Peter J. Peterson in selfishness. Peterson, former Cabinet member for Richard Nixon, came to America with greed. Because he used his politics for money opportunities he owns the richest investment derivatives bank in the world. He funds the dump Social Security Lobby of the GOP. The goal is to privatize our Social Security debt owed to us from our government into the ownership of the banks! For, more booty they would receive our payroll taxes for their private speculation bubbles and fees and we lose any guarantees as the market becomes GOD, actually their worship of a false god, a golden calf becomes god of America. And, health insurance donors/owners and lobbies of the GOP are dripping blood from their teeth for their bought GOP Senators and Representatives to make Paul Ryans yearly voucher-coupons in place of Medicare, as we know it. The GOP now has the power for their giveaways of Medicare to privatized health insurance corporations for profits. These two giveaways are now the agenda for the GOP with the majority of SCOTUS lifetime appointees, the House and the Senate. They will have the power through manipulations and hostage holding to force Obama to do what he is made to do, and because of their power to not be able to say we are doing this because it is the right thing to do.Do we realize these GOP Ayn Rand inspired giveaways are not for US and our best interests. And, there is no truth or good reason for doing what the GOP is slated to do purely on evil worshipped lies of their false gods of ideologies of self interests and privatized greed scams and schemes.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 02:15:49 +0000

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