Ayn Rands - TopicsExpress


Ayn Rands brain-fart sandefur.typepad/freespace/2011/03/the-most-ignorant-thing-ayn-rand-ever-said.html ...I think its safe to say that Ayn Rand knew virtually nothing about the history of American Indians. In part this is no fault of hers, since historiography and cultural anthropology at that time was pretty shabby, and because that was a period when the silly leftist romanticization of Indians was first reaching a height which is only now diminishing. And in a theoretical sense, its certainly true that a society that respects no rights cannot demand respect for its rights. The problem is that this was not the case, certainly not the case with regard to the Cherokee. ...more...
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 22:15:47 +0000

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