Ayo buruan daftar!!!! Lomba tingkat Provinsi Sumatera Selatan ini - TopicsExpress


Ayo buruan daftar!!!! Lomba tingkat Provinsi Sumatera Selatan ini bisa diikuti oleh pelajar SMA/SMK Se-SumSel ataupun mahasiswa Univeritas/Perguruan Tinggi Se-SumSel. COME ON GUYS, ITS TIME TO SHOW UP YOURSELVES. #JOINSEO2014 Here we inform the kinds of competitions in SEO 2014, fees, schedules, and CPs of each competition. Look at this and register soon! 1. Debate Competition ( for varsity & high school) held in FKIP Ogan UNSRI on October 14-15th 2014 with theme Bright youth, Bright Future the competition uses British Parliamentary System. The fee for Debate Competition (for varsity& high school) is Rp150.000. CP: Nanik Purwasih (085764516075) - Erie Sischa (08994374646) 2. Speech Contest (for varsity & high school) held in FKIP Ogan UNSRI Palembang On October 15th 2014 and theme Bright youth, Bright Future The fee is Rp50.000 CP: Hafsah Rizkiyah (081958026255) 3. News Casting (for varsity & high school) held in FKIP Ogan UNSRI Palembang on October 15th 2014 with theme Bright youth, Bright Future and the fee is Rp50.000 CP: Wardah Zahra 089638497966 4. Spelling Bee (for High School) held in FKIP Ogan UNSRI Palembang on October 14th 2014 with theme Spell out your view The fee is Rp20.000 CP: Fitriah Tasykirah (08984113610) 5. Poetry Out Loud (POL) for high school held in FKIP Ogan UNSRI Palembang on October 14th 2014 with heme Bright youth, Bright Future The fee: Rp20.000 CP: Rahmawati (08984959291) 6. Accoustic Competition (for varsity) held in GSG FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya Indralaya on October 16th 2014 The fee: Rp60.000 with theme The Tune of youth The accoustic comp. rules a. Duration is 12 minutes (including check sound) b. Participants have to sing two songs: required & optional CP: Erik Agustino (089501234243) 7. Selfie Contest (GRATIS) Held in GSG FKIP UNSRI Indralaya On October 16th 2014 with theme Express your youth! CP: Farah Dillah (08988605306) SEESPA ENGLISH OLYMPICS REGISTRATION DEADLINE is 11th of OCTOBER 2014 and TECHNICAL MEETING is held on 13th of OCTOBER 2014. Further information, visit our official accounts Seespa Unsri, Seespas Event, @SeespaUnsri, unsriseespa@gmail, and seespaenglisholympics.blogspot
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 14:13:31 +0000

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