Ayurveda and Water Soma is the nourishing, cooling quality that - TopicsExpress


Ayurveda and Water Soma is the nourishing, cooling quality that is associated with the moon. Water represents this lunar energy. It helps support each of the three doshas by nurturing, lubricating and detoxifying the body. When properly absorbed, water offers us many healing benefits. It helps with digestion, improves the skin, prevents constipation, and cools the body. Because Vata is so dry, people with a dominant Vata dosha need to drink more water than other types. And because Pitta runs hot, they may crave more water than other types. During meals, it is best to sip plain water. Water should be served warm, or at room temperature, but never ice-cold, because cold water puts out the digestive fire. About an hour after a meal, if you feel thirsty, it is good to drink water to boost digestion. To make water even more balancing for the doshas, you can add spices to it. Boil the water first, then add the spices and let the mixture come to room temperature or warmer. For Vata water, add a little fennel seed. For Pitta water, add dried rose petals. For Kapha water, add sliced fresh ginger and basil.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 14:41:27 +0000

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