Azhar Mostwanted Hadjee As salaamualikum, I had a post a few - TopicsExpress


Azhar Mostwanted Hadjee As salaamualikum, I had a post a few months ago and got some nasty comments because im disabled. I would like to show what ive done with my life despite being disabled and hope it will touch one girls heart out there and change how people look @ disabled people I have been diagnosed with cerebral palsy since birth. Being disabled is no easy task, I been through a lot in my life to get where I’m today. Allah has tested me a lot in 21 years and he will continue to test me. When I was born, I was very sick and things didn’t’ look very bright(that what the doctors told my parents), they said I wasn’t going to make it, But Alhamdulilah through the will of that supreme “being”, that is the only One who can decide who lives and dies, I survived – Subanallah!, But it didn’t end there, no then the doctors told my parents that I would never be able to walk(Like they never learnt their lesson the first time around, and Subanallah almost 22 years later here I am, walking without any aids, going for taraweeh and standing for the full 20 rakaats, if this isn’t a great achievement, I don’t know what is. But there is much more to tell, I started school at the age of 3, which was also the same age when I took my first steps. Alhamdulilah through the efforts for both my parents, I started walking, many people don’t realize how difficult it can be for both the child and the parents, but Alhamdulilah I have been given to awesome parents, that besides Our beloved Nabi(S.A.W), his beloved Sahabah(R.A) and the other Ambiyyaa(p.b.u.t), a person can’t get better parents then mine, the sacrifices that they made for me, sometimes its very difficult for me to show it, but Only Allah knows what is in my heart . Through with my disability, at home I was always treated the same like my other siblings, if I did something wrong, I got reprimanded, I get my fair share of the household chores that I have to do, and now I see my parents did this to mould me into the man I am today, so that can one day I can become independent from the creation of Allah and totally dependent on him. As I started school and become older, I started to have a desire in my heart to one day become a hifz, but this was very difficult because all of the madrassah’s that my parents approached, said that they wouldn’t cope with a disabled student, until the day when we moved to Bez Valley, when my parents approached Madrassah Islamia Bertrams and Alhamdulilah they had no problem accepting me. I was thirteen at the time, but as I hadn’t been to a formal madrassah before, it was decided that I would have to start at class 2, so I was thirteen and in class two, it was very difficult for me to accept this because the other children in my class were half my age, and with them being so small with a lack of understanding of my condition I used to get teased a lot, but I preserved, and when I left the madrassah in class seven, to complete my matric the following year, I finish at the top of my class. In 2006 came a year with great tragedy, it was the year my father had past way, this cause me a huge amount of sorrow, not only was he my father, but he was my best friend. Everyone said I had to prove myself because of my disability, except my father and my mother. They were always proud of whatever I did in my life. When I started high school, Allah had given me a great test in high school, the school refused to allow me to grow my beard, as no one in the 70 year history of the school had ever done this, They told me on a numerous occasions to shave my beard, with threats of kicking me out and with keeping this in mind, I refused to shave my beard, as it is waajib for a male to grow a beard. Finally after three long years they allowed me to keep my beard, something no student has ever done before. Then when I matriculated in 2008, I made the decision to enroll at the University Of Johannesburg, studying Information Technology(Software Design) where I’m currently at, this is by far the biggest achievement that I had ever achieved. I’m in my third year at the moment and the only disabled pupil in my class. The only concession that I get is extra time in my tests and exams (which I hardly ever make use of). When I started in my first year, we were 300- 350 students in the class. Currently we are 68 students in the class and Alhamdulilah I am one of them. The course is very challenging, but at the same time I enjoy it, many people doubted I would have get pass my first year, but through the divine will of Allah I’m almost finished and with his help alone will I finish. I also have a slight speech impediment, my dream is also to become a Hafiz, I currently know two and a half paras and I ask Mighty that one day I will finish the complete Qur’an and lead at least one taraweeh, I look at people like sheikh Sudais and Nomaani and take them to be my inspiration. That is my story, the challenges of being disabled never stop, I constantly wonder about my future, will I ever get Married?, will a girl not only look at my disability, but also look at what lies within my heart and love me solely for that purpose, and accept me with my disability. Alhamdulilah Im qualified now and working . And still looking for my queen, I dont know where she is, who she is but i know shes out there....
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 14:38:30 +0000

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