Azizah Muhammad Photo Mobile Uploads So all of yesterday I had - TopicsExpress


Azizah Muhammad Photo Mobile Uploads So all of yesterday I had been asked.... Azizah, you watchin Black Girls Rock on BET tonight right? I thought nothin of it till I actually did & then woke up this morning to more than twice the amount of emails I received about Rihanna & boy when yall have an opinion on somethin (good or bad) you dont hold back & since I was asked, allow me to do the same. 5. Some saw make up on her and lost respect because the only place a MUSLIMAH is to enhance her beauty is at home. I SAW a woman who glowed not because of the foundation she may have worn but because of the faith she stood on that carpet to represent. The vision of muslim women not as spineless doormats but as confident capable creatures. 4. Some saw her outfit and thought it didnt cover enough of her chest & lost respect. I SAW radiance. I saw a MUSLIM WOMAN who knows and understands when her creator said And tell the BELIEVING women to lower their gaze and protect their private parts and NOT to show off their adornment except what must necessarily appear thereof & to wrap a portion of their head covers over their chest and not expose their adornment except to their husbands, fathers, their husbands fathers, their sons, their husbands sons, their brothers, their brothers sons, their sisters sons, their women which their right hands possess, or those male attendants having no physical desire, or children who are not yet aware of the private aspects of women. And let then not stamp their feet to make known what they conceal of their adornment & to turn to Allah in repentance, ALL OF YOU, o believers, that you might succeed. I saw NOTHING but her face and hands. I didnt see the shape of her breasts, the curve or her hips, the outline of her thighs or behind as I DO SEE sadly with a lot of my sisters in faith who try n turn haute couture into hijab. 3. Some saw her swaying to music being played. I SAW a sister who was there to be recognized and enjoyed herself. I saw what some say is a big flaw in her character & wondered what I would see of those SAME PEOPLE if cameras were pointed at them during moments of sin. Would they record something major or minor? Would they see sadness or satisfaction? 2. Some saw her speech and thought it was to much. To over the top. I SAW passion. I saw happiness, humility & gratitude. I saw a MUSLIM WOMAN say AsSalaamuAlaikum ( peace and blessings to you) to a room of people and them actually respond appropriately. I saw a MUSLIM WOMAN SCREAM to a room of non believers that ALLAH IS GOD with so much depth and devotion that it made me sit up clap and say ALLAHUAKBAR. Indeed he is. I saw a woman who stood amongst many who were UNASHAMED to be UNCOVERED more beautiful than any other in that room & showed her daughter (who was also covered ) what determination and drive can accomplish. I saw a woman who LOVES her husband publicly acknowledge it. Who wanted the world to know that love in Islam is REAL. And possible. And beautiful. I saw inspiration & intelligence in her speech. I saw nothing that displayed illiteracy or ignorance. 1. Some saw Ameena Mathews and shook their heads in sadness & disbelief. Who could imagine Khutbas being spoken about her and her character. Who wondered where her husbands Iman is to allow his wife to attend such an event or take his daughter to watch her mother make such a spectacle of herself. I SAW a woman who was being honored for something promoting PEACE AND POSITIVITY. I saw an African American MUSLIMAH on my television sending out a message that Islam pushes happiness and not hate. I saw a man who is SECURE in himself support his wife and all the hard work shes done who wanted his child to witness what is possible even with an Arabic name & believing in La-Illaha-Ill-Allah. I saw a woman whos name means honest, faithful, truthful, security, a lady of peace, who appears to be living up to that name. I saw a woman who ROCKS. So instead of seeing all the reasons why she should be punished by her creator, I ask that you pray for her & her continued success. Remember that our creator judges our actions by their intentions. And it is with those intentions that we will be either rewarded or punished. Try to think of the point behind her presence there lastnight. Pray that Allah swt preserves her marriage and that her daughter grows up to be better than her mother before her. That she lives and dies on Islam. Pray for her & then for yourself because at the end of the day she is your SISTER in Islam & as long as she is obeying her lord & his messenger & is NOT hurting anyone, she should be supported. Not scorned. May Allah hear that prayer, answer it accordingly, forgive us & have mercy on us all. Ameen. By: Azizahs Avenue
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 18:52:12 +0000

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