BABE IN TOTAL CONTROL EPISODE 38 The stage was set, the - TopicsExpress


BABE IN TOTAL CONTROL EPISODE 38 The stage was set, the cameras were rolling and the presenters were good to go. On the stage, was the presenter who was to anchor the show and ask the questions, and two invited guests. They were all clad in sleek black designers suit that would make even James Bond blush. Someone who probably saw them when they were leaving their houses that morning would have thought they were going to a very important meeting with the president of the United States of America. The main presenter was a well built man of roughly twenty six, he was dark in complexion and of average height. The guests were both retired famous footballers. Good morning viewers, you are tuned in to Thirty Minutes Of Football with Osi. What we do is break down and analysed everything thats happening in the world of football in thirty minutes. Today I have to special guests who dont need much introductions, on my left we have retired Arsenal FC forward, Musa Adamu and on my right we have two times africa best player, Iheanacho Kelechi. Osi kept quiet for a micro second and continued, so lets get down to business, we start with topics making round here in our country Nigeria. Before we do that lets go for a short commercial break. Zainab didnt need to yell cut before an advert was put on play, Zainab watched in silence, not because she was scared of things going wrong but because she had never been a fan of sports, let alone football, she hated football as a matter of fact and here she was, directing a football show. How ironic, she thought. The advert ended and the cameras started rolling once again, So Musa, Osi - the presenter started, referring to one of the guests, whats your take on the current Nigerian football scene, do you think we are doing better compared to your days in the national team? Without much hesitations, Musa cleared his throat and replied. You dont compare two generations in football so I cant give you a direct answer to that question. His accent was a mixture of the ideal Hausa accent where FA and Ps are mixed up and a slight British accept which he adopted during his years of playing for Arsenal in North-London. He continued, take for example, Lionel Messi and Christaino Ronaldo have both collectively broken almost all the football records the likes of Pele and Maradona set back in those days, would you now say that Messi is better than Pele? Musa asked and waited for a answer but got non, so he continued, no! You cant, and the reason is simple, the rules of the game has changed, the training facilities has changed, the stake and bars have been raised so comparing isnt really going to be fair. All I can say is, the super eagles, the super eaglets, the super falcons and all other national team are currently doing very well. Just this year, the senior male team won the CAF and the U-17 team won the World cup. The presenter was frustrated by the answer, he had hope for a simple yes or no reply but instead he was being asked if Pele is better than Messi. What has that got to do with my question? He silently wondered. He smile at Musa and turned to his other guest, Iheanacho, during your time, you were nominated twice for the world best player, ever since then, no other Nigerian player has been nominated let alone win the prestigious award, does this mean that the standard of football in the country is falling? Iheanacho gave a enigmatic smile which made the presenter wonder what was behind the smile. I dont think its falling, rather, like Musa said, the bars and stakes has been raised. He replied, and the presenter now knew what was behind the smile. He wanted to ask more about it but something in him advised against it, so he moved on. He turned to the front camera and he saw Mr Awoyinka who stood behind the camera, signalling him to move on to another topic and leave the Nigerian football scene. We are going to quickly move on to the foreign scene, the biggest matches we have this weekend are without any doubt, Arsenal versus Manchester United, Napoli versus Juventus and the almighty el classico, Real Madrid versus Barcelona. Osi turned to Musa, Musa, what are your predictions? You cant be hundred percent correct when predicting football, but! I think the winners this weekend would be Arsenal because they are in top form and are having a wonderful season so far and on the top of their league table, Napoli, and of course, I expect Real Madrid to take the el classico win because they are in pretty good form and Barcelona is short of Messi, I think we all know what that means. Nice analyses Musa, how about you Iheanacho, whats your prediction? Well I think Man-U would win the match against Arsenal because its Old trafford and then there is Rooney and Van Persie who as far as history is correct are dangerous to Arsenal, I gave the seria A match to Napoli and I give the el clasico to Barcelona. Osi checked the timer and he saw it was already almost thirty minutes, he need to end the show. Okay viewers, thats all we have for you today, if you have any suggestions or questions, you can send an Email to the email address showing on the screen at the moment. Have a splendid week. And cut! Mr Awoyinka said in a low tone. He turned to Zainab who looked bored as hell, you did pretty well for a first day, he teased. Zainab just smiled and walked out of the studio, she made a mental note to either bring a bed to the studio next week or leave everything related to the program in the hands of Mr Awoyinka. So much for a first day, Zainab thought. She had expected her day one on the job would be fun, but so far, it had been everything but not fun. * * * * ******************** Jummy stood in silence for close to a minute, trying to really understand what was happening. How did Mrs Ogbonaya get the hint that something was going on between her and Stephen? She had thought the little stunt he had pulled which earned her the promotion had shookd her of the womans radar. Miss Olukoya, I asked you a question, Mrs Ogbonaya snapped Jummy out of her thoughts. Err... Huh? You what? Jummy stuttered. Mrs Ogbonaya looked at Jummy plainly and repeated the question, whats going on between you and Stephen? Jummy decided to go with the risky answer, nothing ma, she replied and kept quiet, waiting for the worse to happen. Are you sure? Jummy briefly thought about her answer and affirmed it. To Jummys greatest surprise, Mrs Ogbonaya smiled and said, Okay, if you say so. Im aware you are both going on a trip soon, if he starts acting wierd or you have any complaint about him, dont hesitate to report him to me, I know how to handle him. Jummy raised and eyebrow and then closed her mouth, she didnt even know when she opened it, okay ma. She replied, it sounded more like a question. You may return to your work, you are doing pretty well by the way. Mrs Ogbonaya smiled once again and waved Jummy off. In all her years of working at GNP, Jummy had never seen Mrs Ogbonaya smile at all, let alone smile to her. Jummy knew there was something fishy about this whole set up, But what was behind this Mrs Ogbonaya smile? Jummy asked herself as she walked back to her office deep in thoughts. She got to her office and checked the date of departure and saw it was two days from now. She took a deep breath, picked up her phone and dialled Johns number. * * * * * John wasnt having the best of days neither. Two of his massive weaving machines which would take nothing less than a week to repair had crashed and he had just signed a contract to deliver a huge amount of materials in two days time to a new Federal School who wanted to have a uniquely different school uniform that couldnt be bought just anywhere. And the thing with contract works was that a percentage of the final pay is deducted for each day the package is delivered, and with out those two machines, there was no possible way he could meet up with the dead line, he had to improvise otherwise, he would be so screwed. He paced the length and breadth of his office, deep in thoughts, trying to think of a solution. He could hear the voice of his dad in his head saying, I trust you would make me proud, so Im going to give you veto authority of my textile company. You would solely manage it for a while till you have proved that you can take over the entire branch of ADE companies. That was about five years ago. So far, he hadnt been doing a good job, just months ago he lost a multi-billion contract with a foreign based designer company and now this? His dad would definitely be highly disappointed and there was no guessing how his dad might react. Just then, his cell phone in his pocket went live, he hurriedly picked it up hoping it was the engineer with a good news only to see it was Jummy. He smiled and for a split second, he forgot about all the problems he had in his life, he never really understood why Jummy presence of any sort made him react that way. He picked up the call. Hello Jumiana , he said excitedly. Jummy chuckled, ever since they both heard a song which went like: Juliana, come take your medicine, o my God, you are my medicine. He had turned Jummy name to Jumiana to rhyme with Juliana. Hello John, I have something I need to tell you. Jummy said with all seriousness. Am all ears, you are my medicine so I think I really cant say no. Im travelling to China in two days time. Jummy replied and waited for a response but she got non, rather, the call went dead as John hung up. He had never hung up on her. EPISODE 39 Loading...
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 20:00:58 +0000

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