BABEER SHER KE AREA KE MOULANA AHMEDABAD KI JAIL MAI Hyderabad , March 23: EminetIslamic thelogin of Hyderabad Maulana Abdul Quavi was arrested by the ATS of Gujarat on Sunday evening from Delhi Airport to attend a Meeting on Deeni Madaris to be held in Darul Uloom Deoband,a family sources of the said Maulana said and so far Gujarat Police didnt reveal his arrest,the said Maulana Abdul Quavi is the resident of Akber Bagh in Malakpet,and he is very much familiar in India,who dedicated his life for the propagation of Islamic Teachings.He wrote many Books on various topics. He is the Rector of jamia Ashraf ul Uloom. His is elder brother Maulana Mufti Abdul Mugani Mazahiri is the City President of Jamiat e Ulema Hind. General Secretary of Jamiat e Ulema Hind Maulana Mahmood Madani former Member of Parliament interact with the top Officials of Gujarat Police Department and he is also leaving Ahmedabad. Sources said that the Gujarat Police after producing the Maulana before local Court shifted him to Ahmedabad in connection a pending case against him. Earlier also his nephew Maulana Mohammed ashraf was arrested by the ATS of Gujarat Police few years back from Barkas Hyderabad and later he was released by court. After receiving information regarding his arrest at Delhi Airport, dozens of dozen youth gathered in front of his residence and announced to perform fasting for his earliest release. Some political leaders also called on his brother Maulana Abdul Kareem. It is pertinent to mention that a powerful leader of Hyderabad threaten him to implicate him in terror acts when his associates obtained permission to conduct a meeting at historic Makkah Masjid on the eve of Milad un Nabi siasat news bureau)
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 10:33:38 +0000

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