BABIES REVOLUTION I am standing on top of a coffee table, - TopicsExpress


BABIES REVOLUTION I am standing on top of a coffee table, giving a salute to the young kids of Langata Primary who have said enough of tolerance to theft, enough of land grabbing libido and enough of governments theatrics. Their play ground was grabbed during HOLIDAYS by a person rumored to be powerful and certified land grabber. They have been robbed of their only playing field and in its place a 5 star hotel erected. As expected , the hotel will be hosting big bellied tycoons whenever they go to unwind with their gachugwas after looting public funds. The government has been silent and mum ignoring the cries of these toddlers who cant fight for themselves, consider some are as young as 4 years. No action has been taken to reclaim the land. Today morning these kids got up in one voice. Armed with only little feet, tree leaves and innocent cries they marched . A march pimped with cry for equity and a desperate plea for fairness and hearing heart from their government. They moved slowly but confidently, thrashing off any fear of adversity and approaching the illegal wall which stand in what was nostalgically their playground. The governments ears started hitching. The grabber was offended. Armed policemen with orders from above descended on them with batons and teargas, ruthlessly disrupting and scattering the peaceful kids demo. The cast was so familiar;:- trespassing the land grabbers land. The chill-spiced gas penetrated the eyes of these babies, babies because some are still below 5 years. It was chaotic and shameful, grown armed police brutally confronting kids who were only armed with cries and placards. The government which promised primary school students laptops has now resulted to giving them teargas canisters. It cant get uglier than this. The priorities of the state have been overturned and the morals of the machinery compromised. Corruption whistle blowers like Mutai are being pursued and clamped down, kids demonstrating for their grabbed school land brutalized all in the interest of protecting the thieves, gluttonous leaders and the mighty. Enough is enough. The kids have set the bar. We shall fight for fairness, justice and freedom by all in our disposal. In south Africa kids still in their primary school sacrificed their lives for redemption from apartheid, in USA they aroused their tender attempts to disentangle the society from racial dark days. It is frustration the kids have eared from go-to-hell gesture from their government. The mighty wont be allowed to continue raping our rights. The school has kids from all political affiliations, Jubilee included. What is happening is therefore not a clarion protection of one side of us but a conspiracy of the powerful to steal and use political scripts to get protection from their own.Enough is enough of this nonsense. The kids have launched a revolution, a revolution not of blood shed, hate or sabotage but courage in the face of mistreatment and unjust systems. Courage of saying we wont flinch an eyelid to appease those who thrive on greed and inhuman traits. The pain has sunk deep and long. While the poor kids were rampaged and brutalized, the grabbers kids were probably stuffing their lazy stomachs with imported pizza in their fathers bungalow- or better they are away in Europe studying in state of art institutions with one million acre large playing ground. The message is clear, we dont care who gets offence but this madness cant go on any more. The virtues Mau Mau fought for- freedom, fairness and equity are still within reach. They wouldnt leave our grip in face of any government or leader. The kids of Langaata primary have spoken I stand on a table again and salute you Kids. You are the real heroes, you are the best. Your courage has ashamed the grabbers and their protectors. We are all in this together. Freedom is within reach. I salute you lads. Cowards are those who take comfort in the face of adversity and pretend they are too busy to take part in social redemption. You are the opposite. You have initiated a moral revolution and the fire place is just warming up. Land-grabbers, conspirators and your agents be warned. BRAVO KIDS. #Darkdays #OccupyPlayGround
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 11:37:47 +0000

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