BAC Dissolves Siffoe Village Development Committee Friday, June - TopicsExpress


BAC Dissolves Siffoe Village Development Committee Friday, June 07, 2013 Siffoe a center of trouble for several years now has again being faced with another crisis. This time it is the dissolution of the Village Development Committee. Some youths of the village are not happy with what they described as imposition of a new VDC. Since the demised of the Alikali who was at the time of death the longest serving Alikali in the Gambia, Siffoe faces numerous crisis. The Alikaliship has since change hands several times under uncertainty. The VDC also suffered similar crisis. The Brikama Area Council (BAC) through the Ministry responsible for Regional Government has dissolve the Siffoe Village Development Committee(VDC) under the leadership of Alhagie Bakawsu Darboe, The Daily News can authoritatively report . Sources closed to the VDC told this paper that the dissolution came at a time when the VDC are doing all they could do to recover the stolen items and funds of the village mismanaged by the former VDC. ' We are very surprise that the Ministry has decided to dissolve our hardworking VDC' said one Suwaibu Jarju a village youth. He noted that the move taken by the Ministry and the Councilors is indeed improper saying that Siffoe is one village today, that is suffering from injustice by few individuals who were bent on neglecting the entire populace. Another insider stated that a meeting was conveyed at the village CCF premises on May the1st attended by the Ministers of Local Government Lands and Regional Government, Justice and Higher Education Research Science and Technology, Chief Mustapha Touray of Kombo South District as well as the Ward Councilor Lamin Jamba Jammeh who told them, openly he has the powers to dissolve the VDC since they by pass him and wrote letters to the office of the President. He further noted that to their surprise, on May 22nd, Chief Mustapha Touray, Councilor Lamin Jamba Jammeh and other Councilors from the Brikama Area Council came telling them that the VDC has been dissolved. they said the order came from top and with that the entire VDC should resign and hand over to the new VDC which were selected on the 23rd May 2013 by under the command of the Council. ' It was a day all shock because everyone in the village were not happy but we want to maintain peace, stability and order, that was the reason we never misbehaved because we are law abiding citizens but we were never happy with the move, one reason is that during the selection the Councilor was with the team of Police Intervention Unit (PIU) Officers, said an insider who begged for anonymity'. A letter of dissolution which was handed over to this reporter for references signed by the Chairman of the Brikama Area Council Mr Bakary Saibou Sanneh dated on 22nd May 2013, bearing Captioned DISSOLUTION OF SIFFOE VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE, it states that as Per directives from the Ministry of Lands and Regional Government through the office of the Governor West Coast Region, Brikama Area Council has convene an Emergency Council meeting yesterday May 22nd and pass a resolution to dissolve the Village Development Committee. Part (V) Section 96 (1) empowers Council to dissolve a Village Development Committee by resolution, if in the opinion of Council the Committee is ineffective or not operating in the best interest of the village. Furthermore you are duly informed that Council in Exercise of its mandate in accordance with the Provisions under part V Section 93 (b) (c) (d) and (e) of the Local Government Act hereby instruct the Alkalo and the respective Kabilos to select their representatives for the formation of a new VDC in Siffoe scheduled for Thursday 23rd May, 2013. The Council will be there to facilitate the selection process and as observers. The Councilor for the area Lamin Jamba Jammeh when contacted confirms the dissolution but maintained that it was done in the best interest of peace and stability. He denied allegations that he was the guy responsible for the dissolution saying that it was the Ministry who gave a directives through the office of the Governor. Alhagie Bakawsu Darboe the former VDC Chair also confirmed the dissolution saying that he has nothing to say but to thank the villagers for their support during his tenure and his executive. Ebrima Jallow AKA Jallow Siffoe the new VDC Chair could not be reached for comments at the time of going to press. Author: Alieu Darboe
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 20:06:34 +0000

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