BACK BY INBOX REQUEST...the soul THE SOUL by bishara - TopicsExpress


BACK BY INBOX REQUEST...the soul THE SOUL by bishara malena They agreed to meet one last last time...face to face, in the place theyd found themselves the most, under the Ocean View bridge. They used to count the cars passing over head by the amount of thuds they heard hitting the pavement above them. The walls were covered with old the graffiti of local street artists fighting for space on a wall which not too many people would ever see. I guess theres something to be said of being noticed...of being alive...about the person sitting next to you right now knowing you exist. Dale arrived a few minutes earlier...mumbled muffled words to himself pacing back and forth, checking his watch every couple seconds. After what seemed like days of waiting, in walks Ashley. Dale acting as though he didnt see her almost fall over that uneven slab of cement that was only visible in the day light. They stared into each others eyes. Dale found himself as hed always done, in the reflection of her eyes. He saw nervousness in his own eyes through hers. And there they stood, not in anger... nor happiness... but somewhere strangely in between, almost as if they both had mountains to speak but neither brave enough to be the first to break... the first to speak...the first to crack...the first to be willing to take the blame for starting the end. Dale, Ashley breaking the silence, listen. Dale interrupting,wait....wait...before you say anything. Flashing a dozen red roses before her, seemingly out of thin air. Ashley cracked a smile...a smile that stood not a chance against the sadness that poured from her eyes. I love you chic. Dale professed. I cant take those Ashley whispered, grabbing his hand instead of the roses. What...but... but why? Dale asked in confusion. This...this thing of ours...itll never last Dale...i just cant see it anymore. So thats it...just like that were done...its over... at the blink of an eye? Dale asked. Ashley stood in silence, but the single tear she couldnt capture spoke a thousand words. Dale caught her tear before it landed on the cement. I think this belongs to you. He whispered to her before gently rubbing her tear back onto her face. What are you doing? she asked in disbelief. Our eyes are the windows to our soul... and thats all they are...but our tears...our tears ARE our souls. I caught your soul before it died....and i gave it back to you. Dale... she whispered to the ears of God. I love you. Dale assured her again. But thats just it. she explained. You dont understand. I DO love you. Taking a deep breath. But this...this heart of mine, cant be hurt again, i...i wont allow it. It would mean the death of me. Cant you understand, cant you see. this is now how i dreamt it would be, but since when is dreaming reality? Dale spoke not a word. I have to go now. she told him. Dale spoke not a word. She approached him and gently pressed her lips against his. Dale stood emotionless...breathless, over come by the moment. He felt his heart stop and start again in a single breath. Ashley turned to walk away. Before she clear the under pass she heard a voice ask... WHAT IS THE LIMIT ONE GOES TO FOR THEIR SOULMATE? Ashley stopped in mid stride and slowly turned to Dale. I dont know. Slowly shaking her head and whispering once more.I dont know. From the sureness in her voice Dale new it was over. He knew he would see or hear from her again. He lowered his head in sorrow as he listened to her footsteps grow fainter and fainter as they became more distant until he heard no sound at all. When he looked around, he saw he was under the bridge all alone, just him, a few rocks, a cricket, and his thoughts. He sat down on the cement, tossing rocks at the cricket, it was then the strangest thing happened, he lowered his head as far as it could go and as he lifted it, his eyes were shut tight...but not tight enough to capture the tear that slipped through the cracks and made its way to the world through the windows of his soul. As the tear fell he tightened his eyes even more, and it was then he heard a voice.... I think this belongs to you. Ash? he called as he opened his eyes. But...but what are you doing? Im merely returning a favor.... im giving my soulmate back his soul. As she gently whipped his tear back onto his face, she asked, What is the limit one goes to for their soulmate? There is no limit. Dale whispered to her. There is no limit. There is no limit, no distance nor time one would endure for their soulmate. the end... THE SOUL by bishara malena
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 02:43:51 +0000

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