BACK TO COLONIAL RULE As the adage goes the truth hurts, in the - TopicsExpress


BACK TO COLONIAL RULE As the adage goes the truth hurts, in the same vain as racist as it may sound the assumption of Scott to the position of acting president as revealed that we have gone back to a colonial system of governance which had no regard for the plight of the indigenous Zambians. As a former student of the crème de la crème of learning institutions in Zambia, the University of Zambia I am deeply saddened by the police brutality which resulted in the police committing arson as they burnt two student hostel, at an institutions where accommodation is a crisis such an action is a demonic drawback. For simpler minds that have not been exposed to university education they would not understand that university student’s world over have always been at the helm of political agitation. A policeman whose highest form of education is doing press ups and frog jumps for six months at Lilayi can never construe student action. These dummies only act on instructions of their pay masters. Just after a certain Dr. Scott Guy took the helm of power in Zambia, chaos, intimidation and violence has been the order of the day. This colonial master is determined to stifle any threats with impunity, the treatment of UNZA students, unjust dismissal of young comrade Hapuunda Brian from the position of media and communications PF, and threats against Edgar Lungu reveal the devil in Scott. It is indisputable that the presence of Scott in Zambian politics is a representation of colonial interests. I hate imperialism. I detest colonialism. And I fear the consequences of their last bitter struggle for life. We are determined, that our nation, and the world as a whole, shall not be the play thing of one small corner of the world. It is folly for Zambian to trust a white President, they live, we sleep, we starve, and they eat. You must comply with their deceit, dont trust the wolves to guard the sheep. Theyll colonize when you close your eyes into a superpower that will never die. Guy Scott has stolen the presidency of Zambia, if you are stealing something its better if it’s small and hideable or something you can eat quickly and be done with, like guavas. This way, people can’t see you with the thing to be reminded that you are a shameless thief and that you stole it from them, so I don’t know what the white people were trying to do in the first place, stealing not just a tiny piece but a whole country. Who can ever forget you stole something like that? My stern warning to the acting President is that, “be warned, we are not stupid natives that can be colonised with impunity. You are ruling on borrowed time, and sooner than later your political obsessions shall be obliterated.” This arrogant individual, whose power of authority and fear of losing it has gone to his head, has difficulty remembering he was once a man; he thinks he is a whip or a gun; he is convinced that the domestication of the inferior races is obtained by governing their reflexes. He disregards the human memory, the indelible reminders; and then, above all, there is this that perhaps he never knows: we only become what we are by radically negating deep down what others have done to us.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 01:35:08 +0000

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