BACKGROUND TO THE FORMATION OF ATPN: The Global role of the - TopicsExpress


BACKGROUND TO THE FORMATION OF ATPN: The Global role of the Private Sector participation in the development of tourism cannot be over emphasized as it has been responsible for the rapid socio-economic development as well as collusive integration of nations. Nigeria is fortunate to have recognized the importance of private sector in tourism development as far back as 1959, when a white paper titled “Promotion of the Tourism Industry in Nigeria” was published by the Federal Government. This document became instrumental to the formation of “Nigeria Tourist Association” (NTA) in 1962. This was later incorporated as a non-profit Limited Liability Company operated as a partnership between the Federal Government, the then three regions of Nigeria- (The East, The North and The West), West African Airways Corporation (which Metamorphosed into Nigeria Airways), Nigeria Hotels Ltd. and elder Dempster Agency Ltd. Membership of the N.T.A continued to be opened to other private and government agencies engaged in travel and its allied businesses with responsibility to increase awareness and stimulate tourism participation at both domestic and international levels. Over the years, the activities of N.T.A continued to grow and in 1975, the Nigerian Tourism Board (NTB) was formed as an off-shoot of the Association. The Nigeria Tourist Board (NTB) later became the current Nigeria Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC). At this point, the tourism industry in Nigeria was witnessing a rapid growth both at the public and private sectors of the economy. It then became apparent that there was the need for the private sector to be properly represented through an independent private sector tourism association. This need continued to grow and in 1989, it paid off with the setting up of a twelve (12) man steering committee nominated at an “International Cultural Tourism Conference (ICTC)” organized by Nigeria Tourist Board (NTB) in Lagos. For effective mobilization and co-ordination, the steering committee sought and got support from State Tourism Committees (now State Tourism Boards or Cooperations). The formal meeting of the steering committee was held on the 25th, October, 1990 in Lagos at the Conference Hall of the NTB with 46 practitioners from 11 States out of the then 19 States in attendance representing 58% of national spread. It was at this meeting that the formal proclamation of the Association of Tourism Practitioners of Nigeria (ATPN) was made through a motion by Mr. E. O. Yonika of Rivers State and seconded by Mr. D. Osota from Abuja while Alh. Nasiru Roni of Kano State moved for the adoption of a draft constitution for the association. Also at this meeting, the first election of the Association was held with fair representation from all sectors of the Tourism Industry with good geographical spread. The pioneer Executive Council members of the Association were: Chief M. Amachree - National President Dr. Ayo Ojo - 1st Vice President Alh. Nasiru Roni - 2nd Vice President Prince S. O. Oresajo - Secretary General Nta Inyang - 1st Asst. Sec. General Miss Jibade - 2nd Asst. Sec. General Major Olaguji (Rtd.) - Publicity Secretary Mr. D. Osota - Financial Secretary Alh. Umaru Shuaibu - Int. Auditor Also nominated were zonal officers for the then NTDC Tourism Zones for effective mobilization and membership drive within the zones. The Zonal Officers were: Alh. Yahaya Shaibu - Kano Zone Mrs. Mercy Amesiemaka - Calabar Zone Chief E. Ogunlaye - Lagos Zone Mr. E. D. Chung - Bauchi Zone For the purpose of registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission, the Amachree led team nominated a seven-man (7) member Board of Trustees for the Association through the normal process. The selection also reflected the Federal Character with adequate representation from the operators of the tourism industry. The Board of Trustees were and still are:- Alh. Wada Yunusa - MD Arewa Hotels Ltd. Kaduna Chief S. A. Alamutu - Executive Chairman, Modern Hotels Ltd. Lagos Alh. Aliyu Doma - MD Oriya Motors, Jos Ma’azi Kinglesy Onuaha - MD Tours Int. Ltd. Lagos Chief J. I. Deru - MD Pmas (Aviation) Ltd. P. Harcourt Alhaji Munzali Dantata - M.D. All State Travel – Kano Chief Alfred Diete Spiff - M.D. Baraton Maritime Port - Harcourt The second AGM of the Association was held in Jos between 23rd–26th, February, 1994. At this time some executive offices had been made vacant these were filled preparatory for a general election the following year. This convention, which was attended by a representative of the Federal Ministry of Commerce and Tourism, in a good-will message expressed the Minister’s appreciation for what the association was doing especially in the area of mobilization and creation of the much needed tourism awareness across board. In the same vein, Government’s concern and genuine recognition of the tourism private sector apex status of ATPN (see pages I-III) was further demonstrated by the Federal Government’s mandate to the association during its 3rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) at Imo Concord Hotel, Owerri, to “…broaden its membership by integrating all other tourism associations, with ATPN as the umbrella body. In addition, organize general elections in early 1996 reflecting same”. To facilitate the effective execution of this mandate, the former Executive Council was dissolved and in its place, a caretaker committee was constituted. Added to the above, the Committee was mandated to review the association’s constitution and to implement all resolutions and mandates within six (6) months. The caretaker committee members were:- Chief Uyi Alehezohu - Chairman Otumba A. Adeleye - Secretary Princes V. Oramah - Member Sir Reuben Okorie - Member Mr. John Best - Member Price O. J. Izidor - Member Mr. Semshak Gompil - Member At the expiration of the time given to the caretaker committee, it had not implemented the entire mandate given by Government. It was at this point that an election of a new EXCO was held in March 1996, as was directed, with a charge to the new EXCO at handing over, to carry on with other mandates still pending. The new EXCO was made up of: Madam B. C. Bentu - National President Chief E. Uyi Alemezohu - 1st Vice President Chief G. O Oshiokhamele - 2nd Vice President Barrister Paul I. Apollos - Secretary General Alh. N. O. S. Bayero - Treasurer Mrs. Esther N. Wazhi - Financial Secretary Alh. Nuhu Aliyu - Publicity Secretary Prince O. J. Izidor - 1st Asst. Sec. General Chief (Mrs) Josephine Anenih - Legal Adviser EX-OFFICIALS: Madam M. C. Opara - South East - Zone Mr. Ben Ikeakor - Lagos/S. West - Zone Mal. A. G. Kuta - Kano - Zone Mal. I. B. M. Madaki - North East - Zone Prince Oresajo- Lagos (This became necessary to beef up the Lagos zone in recognition of its complexities)
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 10:27:45 +0000

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