BACKSLIDDEN IN THE PULPIT MEN have died in the pulpit, but to - TopicsExpress


BACKSLIDDEN IN THE PULPIT MEN have died in the pulpit, but to backslide in the pulpit is more shocking than to die in the pulpit. Not so shocking, perhaps, to nerves but far more so to spiritual interests.. Many a preacher has backslidden in the pulpit. Spiritual elevation, a forceful commission, and many activities do not provide security against the decline of personal piety. The pulpit in itself is no defense against backsliding. THE BRAIN AND HANDS MAY BE BUSY ABOUT THE THINGS OF GOD, WHILE THE HEART IS BUSY ABOUT THE THINGS OF THE WORLD. THE TONGUE MAY BE FILLED WITH GLOWING WORDS ABOUT RELIGION, AND THE HEART HAVE THE CHILL OF SPIRITUAL DEATH ON IT. THE BUSIEST MAN ABOUT THE DUTIES OF PASTORATE MAY BE THE WORST OF BACKSLIDERS. Professional or secular diligence in spiritual things indurates. Mere duty-doing hardens and fossilizes. The spiritual care of othes does not insure our religious safety. They made me the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept. Paul had to be vigilant and busy in his care of others, but his greatest vigilance had to be centered on himself. The hands full of other peoples interests may be empty of their own. Dead, formal routine is both the sign and source of backsliding. When the preacher moves on, by habit and not with heart, by feeble force of dying momentum of a past experience or a past call because he is in a rut, the backsliding is a settled fact. The necessity of instituting an investigation to ascertain why his gospel has lost its quickening, converting, edifying force is proof of the regression from first principles and the loss of original power. WHEN THE PULPIT IS CONCERNED ABOUT SALARY, WHEN MONEY INVITES OR AFFECTS IT IN ANY WAY, IT IS FAR GONE FROM ORIGINAL RIGHTEOUSNESS. WHEN THE PULPIT DIRECTS ITS DELIVERANCES TO CATCH THE POPULAR EAR, WHEN IT TONES DOWN ITS AWFUL AND SOLEMN TRUTHS TO THE LEVEL OF A PLEASANT ENTERTAINMENT, IT IS A FALLEN PULPIT. To become wordly is to backslide and the pulpit may be the very school of wordliness. Its deliverances may drip with the foul essence of the lust of the eye, the lust of the world, and the pride of life. To lose the glow and sensitiveness of religios feeling is to be turning the corner toward backsliding. Intellectual pride is the chronic state of backsliding. Neglecting the devotional reading of the Bible is among the first symptoms of a bad case of pulpit backsliding. Leaving off secret prayer is a strong symptom of a confirmed case. An orthodoxy that is not freshened and brightened by constant access to the faith and life of the Bible is a backslidden orthodoxy. The pulpit that is not constantly growing in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus is backslidden. The pulpit that is not growing in mightiness, mellowness, in heaveliness, is on the back track. Old sermons hashed and rehashed, unseasoned by new prayer or new light from Gods spirit are symptoms of the disease in a bad form. WHEN NEW SERMONS ARE WRITTEN IN THE INTEREST OF SELF OR GENERAL OVERSEER TO MINISTER TO REPUTATION, TO SECURE PRAISE, TO ENHANCE POPULARITY, OR TO PLEASE THE PEOPLE THE DISEASE HAS REACHED ITS LAST STAGES. QUESTION: ARE YOU A BACKSLIDING PREACHER OR NOT? MAY GOD BLESS YOU AS YOU SEARCH YOUR HEART. FEEL FREE TO SHARE. SHALOM.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 11:49:04 +0000

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