BAD BREATH: Bad breath, also known as HALITOSIS, is an unpleasant - TopicsExpress


BAD BREATH: Bad breath, also known as HALITOSIS, is an unpleasant odor of the breath of a person. Halitosis is common among humans around the world and is usually caused by an accumulation of bacteria in the mouth as a result of GUM DISEASE, FOOD, or PLAQUE. Often, the person with halitosis does not know about it before others do. Most people nearby may be too embarrassed to say anything. The majority of people with halitosis who dont know they have it are told by a family member or close friend. Meals with strong tasting foods, such as ONIONS or GARLIC may result in what some people may consider as bad breath. Some types of bad breath in one culture may not be considered as such in another. Lifestyle may also influence whether certain kinds of breaths are smelly and unpleasant; a non-smoker may find a smokers breath unpleasant, while another smoker may not. However, smoking is linked to a higher risk of DRY MOUTH, DENTAL and GUM DISEASES, which can cause bad breath. Preventing, curing or masking bad breath is big business. The shelves of supermarkets, pharmacies, and several other types of retail outlets are usually well stocked with a wide range of mints, gums, mouthwashes, sprays and other products aimed combating bad breath. In the majority of cases they only control the bad breath for a short while- the shopper would be better off focusing on floss, toothpaste and a good toothbrush. Good dental hygiene can improve bad breath and is usually considered the best preventive measure. Somebody with good dental hygiene who continues having bad breath may need to see a dentist to find out whether an underlying condition may be causing it. CAUSES OF BAD BREATH: 1, Poor dental hygiene. 2, Poor denture hygiene. 3, Dry mouth. 4, Morning bad breath. 5, Food and drink. 6, Medications. 7, Smoking. 8, Illnesses, conditions and situations. Etc. TREATMENT OF BAD BREATH: 1, Regularly brushing your teeth and gums. 2, Flossing between your teeth. and 3, Keeping your tongue clean.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 14:38:17 +0000

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