BADAB - BATTLEFLEET GOTHIC - HIGH ORBIT OVER SACRISTAN - SACRISTAN GARRISON FLEET Petty Officer Garvin blanched as he listened to the comms chatter and reread the latest auspex reports transmitted by the picket squadrons, they just had to be wrong! Giving his dataslate a solid smack and muttering an oath to the Emperor the details remained, unwavering. A SECOND xenos fleet had just been detected entering close-Sacristan space from the warp even as the first fleet to arrive in system hove to and began its approach on his beloved homeworld. Officer Garvin, REPORT! snapped Fleet-Admiral Cestus, an odd look of expectancy crossing his features. S... Sir... yes, Sir, Fleet-Admiral! Sir, Garvin gulped, steeling himself, A second xenos fleet has transitioned from warpspace into the sector. Initial readings show it a near match for the enemy fleet turning towards Sacristan! Even with the planetary defenses, their displacement shows their tonnage outweighs us easily two-to-one, sir! The Fleet-Admiral calmly replied, Is that so? Well, it appears that the Emperor has blessed us with sufficient targets for ALL of our batteries. At least none of our gun crews will grow bored today! causing nervous laughter and chuckles to rise from the rest of the bridge crew within earshot. Garvin, be so kind as to request an auspex update to be transmitted from picket squadron Defiant and Listening Post Omega, requested Cestus. Tense moments passed as the Fleet-Admiral began dispatching orders to battlestations, tactical deployment requests, and for the Nova Cannon crew to prepare firing solutions as soon as the onrushing greenskin fleet neared maximum range. Klaxons sounded across the fleet as orders were received and executed. Plasma drives scorched to maximum power, targeting arrays spooled up, and torpedo tubes prepped for launch. Attack craft pilots rushed to their assigned launch bays, and damage control teams took position, readying for what was sure to be a hectic day. Petty Officer Garvin remained intent on the primary commsmen and the data they were receiving. Even as he prepared to turn back to the Admiral Cestus voice brought him to attention once more, Petty Officer, do you have the data updates I requested? Garvin noticed the faintest hint of a grin tugging at the corners of his commanders mouth. Sir!, he responded with evident disbelief, You knew?!?! Cestus, his face becoming more serious, replied, Petty Officer! REPORT! Do not let the day get the better of you. The Imperial Navy requires professional execution of duty at all times! Paling for an entirely different reason Garvin drew himself up and remembered himself, Sir! The Centurion 3rd Fleet out of Tranquility has just exited warp space and is bearing down on the newly arrived xenos fleet! Sir, they outnumber them by tonnage and number of vessels! They will intercept long before the second fleet can even begin calculating an approach pattern on Sacristan. Very good, Garvin answered the Admiral as he reached for the dataslate to review the auspex reports himself. Raising his voice to carry further across the high-ceilinged bridge Cestus added, It appears we shall have to share our victory with the Centurion 3rd this day. Its a shame that we wont secure all of the glory for ourselves. As boisterous cheering broke out for a few brief moments before section officers shouted their bridge crews back into focus Cestus leaned a little closer to Petty Officer Garvin and stated quietly, Yes, Officer Garvin, I knew. Today we were to act as bait to distract the xenos filth from the Centurion 3rds ambush, however, that role is at an end... now, Garvin, we become the hunters. Turning from the speechless Petty Officer Cestus raised his voice again, GUNNERY COMMAND! WHY do I NOT have a targeting solution on those leading ships YET?!?! Do I have to come finalize the range calculations MYSELF?!?!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 21:49:52 +0000

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