BAJA SAE INDIA 2015 virtuals at Vishwakarma college of - TopicsExpress


BAJA SAE INDIA 2015 virtuals at Vishwakarma college of engineering,Ahmedabad. Day1 :- panel 8..timing :- 4:00 pm We were asked to submit our presentation and hard-copies of the presentation in the panel. Meanwhile we waited outside (hoping our presentation would impress the panel.) 13 mins later..we entered in...two judges sitting before us.. Their eyes stuck in our presentation hard-copies. Judge 1 :- Ho many laps did u completed at endurance race? why did your ATV failed last time? Cotmokrats :- 21 Laps. Buckling of our rear suspension springs was the main failure. judge 1 :- reason? COTmoKRATS :- because we ordered it from a after market manufacturer. Quality was not good. So this time we are not taking shocks from him. Judge 1 :- No this is not the reason. It was because u didnt tested it in your college. You should have tested the springs at your college . COtmoKrats :- We tested our vehicle at college. We did jumps as well. Judge 1 :- is your ATV still running. Cotmokrats :- yes sir...we used the springs of the ATV fabricated by our seniors. Judge 1:- how come u use their springs in yours...was there no diff in your designs???... Cotmokrats :- their springs were bit longer to fit in our mounting we replaced fit dose springs.. (Please sir ask about our current design) PS :- judge 2 is still mute!!! Judge 1:- this year you are using FOX..everyone is using FOX !! huh!!.. Judge 1 :- your pie charts r not readable in the hard-copies..hope they r readable in your ppt..#giggling# Cotmokrats :- (what!!..havent you gone through our ppt yet!!)...yes sir these are easily readable in the slides..please go through our presentation. Judge 1 ignoring our comment...still stuck to the printed copies!!)....dfmea n dvp is also not readable...u have not presented well.. Team :- (man!! these are black n white printed copies of ppt..ppt are supposed to b seen in the projectors v suppose!!)...sir it was not practically possible to show complete and detailed DFMEA n DVP in a single slide. Judge 1 :- your priorities of salient features of Rule-book are not satisfactory.. Team :- sir priorities are placed on disqualification n severity criteria. Judge 1 :- (ignoring again!!)...weight reduction of 70 u gonna do it.. Team :- sir we r using AISI 4130...we have planned to reduce the secondary members this time. Judge :- your cad models are not visible in the hard-copies..hope they r visible in slides. (Meanwhile attendant came in with refreshments, are they supposed to interrupt a national level competition event dis way!!)) Team :- sir please see our ppt..everything is presented their. PS :- judge 2 is mute all the while!!! Finally the silence broke!!! Judge 2 :- u havent shown the pictures of your workshops at college. Team :- sir v have mentioned the machines available with the scanned copy authorized letter of permission from our university. Judge 2 :- u should have shown the pics. Team :- (we have manufactured an ATV last year !! its obvious v would have the workshops available at our college ) Sir we would keep dis in mind from next time. Judge 2 :- your acceleration has increased from last year what is the magic!!.. Team :- (no magic sir ;-)) efficiency of our system has increased dis year.*we mention d improvements* Judge 2 :- but u should have made an apple to apple comparison. Besides u have not mentioned diameter of your Master cylinder of last year n dis year. Team :- sorry sir..(v told.. them the dimensions, if in anyway they were concerned with it).. Judges both ignored)!! Wait outside for the feedback!!. No ques on our manufacturing plans..nothing about our design ques about our current design... They were more concerned about color of hard-copy!! . LAST AND THE MOST UNFAIR THING !! THEY DID NOT SEE OUR SLIDES. THE PROJECTOR WAS OFF THROUGHOUT OUR TIME SLOT. So this was it. We are fine with everything except that we were not given equal opportunity . EQUAL OPPORTUNITY IS WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT. Anyways we will fabricate our ATV. I am not sure about BAJA SAEINDIA 2015 .. we will build it to international levels.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 17:41:58 +0000

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