BALAJI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & SCIENCE Laknepally (V), Narsampet, Warangal-506331 MID TERM EXAM – 1I IV-1 - MECHANICAL ENGINEERING SUBJECT: POWER PLANT ENGG. 1.a) Explain the functions of draft tube with a neat sketch? b) Explain the term “ catchment area” , “rainfall” , and “ runoff”? c) What are the factors affecting the runoff data at a particular site? 2 a)Explain the construction and features of different types of dams? b) What is spill way? Explain any two spill ways? 3 Explain runoff river plant,pumped storage plants in hydraulic power plants? 1. a) Explain with a neat sketch construction and working of nuclear power plant? b) List out the advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power plants over the thermal power plants? 2. Draw a neat diagram of nuclear reactor and explain the functions of different components? 3. a) Explain briefly ? a) Pressurized water reactor ? b) Fast breeder reactor c) Boiling water reactor 1.a) How hydraulic power plants are classified and explain briefly? 2)Explain the components of a hydro electric power plants with a neat sketch? 3. a) Explain the advantages and disadvantages of hydro electric power plants? b) What are the functions of surge tank and explain different types of surge tanks? 1. A power plant has the installed capacity of 120MW . Calculate the cost of generation if the capital cost = Rs 120x106 , Rate of interest and depreciation = 18% , annual cost of fuel oil,salaries and taxation = Rs 25x106 , load factor = 40%. 2. A central power station has annual factors as follows Load factor = 60%,capacity factor = 40%,Use factor = 50% power station has a maximum demand of 15MW .Determine a)Annual energy production b)Reserve capacity over and above peak load c)Hours per year not in service 3. A 60MW power station has an annual peak load of 50MW . The power station supplys load having maximum demand of 20MW,17MW,10MW,9MW.The annual load factor is 0.45.Find a) Average load b) Energy supplied per year c) Diversity factor d) Demand factor
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 07:51:16 +0000

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