BALANCING ACT Take time each day to go within: meditate, pray, - TopicsExpress


BALANCING ACT Take time each day to go within: meditate, pray, contemplate, breathe. Begin first thing in the morning before you arise. Feel gratitude for the experience and blessing of being on Earth at this time. Be mindful of all the blessings that you have. Ask for guidance for the things that are happening around you that pull you out of a state of gratitude. Set your intentions for what you choose to create this day. Now you are ready to arise and begin your day. When possible, follow the lunar and solar cycles. Arise at dawn and gaze at the sun while filling your soul with love of the universe and all it contains. Do you have any idea how important sun gazing is to your physical form? The indigenous ones know and have followed this practice for centuries. Clear your physical system by drinking plenty of water. If you must have coffee to start your day, we suggest you have at least a glass of water first to help cleanse your liver and system of toxins that accumulated overnight. Like a cat, take time to stretch your body with gentle techniques such as yoga or chi gong. Do this in the sun when possible and enjoy the warmth of the suns rays as your body absorbs necessary nutrients. Take time to eat a hearty breakfast. Eat in a relaxed setting with your loved ones, when possible. Bless your food, giving thanks to all that were involved in getting it to your table. Grow what you can or share a garden with another. Mindfully chew your food. Now you are ready to begin your day with an energized body, mind and spirit. Whether you leave home or stay home to do your daily work, you are now ready to face any obstacles and receive all blessings that come your way. Throughout the day, be mindful of your thoughts, words and actions. Are you staying in your integrity? Are you moving towards your stated intentions or goals? Are you feeling balanced, relaxed and in peace? Are you experiencing joy? Are there obstacles that need to be addressed? Are you staying in the now moment rather than worrying about the past or future? Being balanced is a skill, similar to riding a bicycle. At first, it is tedious as you pay attention to every detail. However, as you practice balancing your body, it eventually becomes second nature as your subconscious mind takes over. You are then free to be more creative, such as riding with no hands or paying more attention to what is happening around you. Notice the wonders of nature as you pedal along. However, there are dangers to watch for; with practice, you learn to avoid these pitfalls gracefully. If you lose your balance and fall, simply get up and start over. If you get tired, rest. Take a nice easy pace for longevity. Dont forget to drink plenty of water! Take a lunch, rest under a tree and appreciate all the beauty this world has to offer! Selamet, Kan 5 Day 44 To read the Mayan Messages in their entirety, visit: mayanmessages.wordpress Please include this web address when sharing and posting with others. Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 03:18:34 +0000

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