BALANCING THE ASSHOLE AND NICE GUY DYNAMIC I just saw a post that Farrah Grey posted up entitled Girls Like Bad Boys, Women Like Good Men , it was about men helping women with things in their lives, it was one sided and only beneficial to the women. But I saw this comment a broad posted.... i guess i did find somemone and hes been right in front of my face the last 2yrs!! lol# Translation: Ive been purposely attracted to assholes and keeping this nice guy on the bench, now that Ive had my fun with assholes, I can now draft him Look lets chop up some game, women are naturally attracted to men who are assholes, because assholes put them in their place, and being an asshole is a part of a mans masculine nature, this is because the asshole side of us doesnt allow b.s. to slide. And this is what turns women on, because subconsciously they like to be checked for some of their b.s. that they attempt to test us men with. However, Assholes and Niceguys have an imbalance, Assholes are complete assholes, and Niceguys dont have the dynamic to put womens b.s. in check like the assholes do. So these two parties must combine their good attributes which are the nice traits, and the assholes traits in their dealings with women. I call this compound dynamic Constructive Correction. Heres an example that I touched on a few days ago in my post entitled THE PREMISE ON HOW TO CHECK A WOMAN The basic premise on how to check a woman, is to be Thourough And Rational. Being Thourough and Rational are two basic dynamics that women really want in a man. Using the Thourough And Rational dynamic is being able to put your foot down (Thourough) and being able to check a woman, giving her a logical ultimatum (Rotational). Heres an example on how these two dynamics are used. So youre with a young woman and she loves to start arguments, heres what you say... You: Im NOT arguing with you, Im moving forward (Thourough), if you dont like it, then LEAVE (Rational) See how the Thourough and Rational dynamic was used? You checked her by saying youre not arguing with her, because you were moving forward (Thourough) and you gave her a Rational ultimatum by saying that if she didnt like it then leave. WHAT DID THAT DO TO HER MIND? It MADE her THINK. What was going through HER mind when you said this was, Well, he said hes not arguing with me and if I dont like it, then I should leave, well if I leave because he doesnt want to argue with me, then ILL LOOK STUPID, how would I tell my girlfriends that story, that I left because he refused to give me an argument, heck, Im just gonna stay and calm down. In other words you said, All I want is peace, if you want to interrupt my peace by bringing YOUR drama, then you need to leave me alone, because I DONT NEED IT This works ALL THE TIME, thats how you deal with women everytime they start sh%t with you, because its just in their nature. They start it, you become the equalizer and end it. See how those two dynamics of an Asshole and Niceguy were used, Niceguys speak peace (rational), and assholes check bullshit (Thourough) these two dynamics are called Constructive Correction So fellas, in your dealings with women you MUST combine the two, and YOU CANNOT be two much of a nice guy, and YOU cannot be a complete asshole, you MUST properly BALANCE both dynamics, YOU CANNOT HAVE ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER. [Pro 11:1 KJV] 1 A false balance [is] abomination to the LORD: but a just weight [is] his delight. [Deu 25:15 KJV] 15 But thou shalt have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure shalt thou have: that thy days may be lengthened in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. So remember Fellas, Men Dont Chase Women, They Lead Them®
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 01:02:04 +0000

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