BAN SUCH RELIGIOUS MONKEYS.....ITS SHAME FOR INDIA AND MODIJI Director Rajkumar Hirani, who along with actor Aamir Khan kept silent over the whole outrage, has finally come forward and issued a press statement to defend his movie. We produce the statement verbatim: “I’m deeply saddened and concerned about the protests by some groups against our film PK. On behalf of the entire team of PK I would like to clarify that we respect all religions and faiths. Read – Hindu groups target theatres screening PK Our film is inspired by the ideas of Saint Kabir and Mahtama Gandhi. It is a film, which brings to fore the thought that all humans who inhabit this planet are the same. There are no differences. In fact, I have the highest respect for the concept of “Advait”- the oneness of all humans – that is central to Indian culture, thought, and religion. It saddens me to think that a film that upholds this great Hindu principal is accused of being disrespectful of Hinduism. I would like to thank the millions of deeply religious people have loved the film and expressed their feeling that the film in fact upholds the spirit of true religiosity and condemns only the abuse of it. I appeal to the groups protesting against our film to see the film in totality and not just isolated scenes. Our intention is not to hurt anyone, or to discriminate against any religion. I would once again like to assure them that I have the highest regard towards all religions, and that we respect all religions and faiths. I believe in the great Hindu idea—“Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”—the whole world is a family. Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, and indeed all religions, teach us brotherhood and love. The intent of the film is to uphold this great thought. Sincerely Raju Hirani” - See more at: indianexpress/article/entertainment/bollywood/pk-controversy-intent-of-pk-is-to-uphold-love-and-brotherhood-says-rajkumar-hirani/#sthash.PHVGxXmV.dpuf
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 12:16:54 +0000

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