BANGLADESH REQUIRES TO PROMULGATE AN ACT OF PHARMACY PRACTICE (Prof. Sk. Feroz Uddin Ahmed) An Act (of any trade, social dealings or services, professional practices etc) contains the prepared and approved/passed set of laws (also called as statutes or statutory laws) and definitions made in the parliament by the members of the parliament for the purpose of regulation and maintenance of the standards of the relevant acts (as for example of the acts of the pharmacy practices are: functions of the pharmacists and subordinate staffs, job descriptions & scopes, job qualifications, registration requirements, licensing processes, responsibilities, positive & negative permits, disqualifications etc) for which that were made. an enacted (ie. promulgated) act contains statutory laws to maintain and regulate the desired services & its quality and standards. In absence of the statutory laws and other legal provisions; no job positions or job specifications are created, made, and maintained in any of the concerned field or workplace or discipline or system of delivering services of a country. Bangladesh has not yet enacted any real purpose serving or supporting comprehensive act of pharmacy practice. for that, in the country, pharmacy service lines are not available or constructed in the organized designs & forms in the healthcare system. A set of the specified legislative definitions, laws and legal provisions in specific sections are necessary for the regulation, control and administration of pharmacy practice oriented services, job characteristics, descriptions etc; which are not existing (or in other word, standing) in Bangladesh. The Board of Pharmacy has not have the legal capacities, and are not lawfully empowered in making rules and regulations for indicating or instructing the healthcare system components to create and maintain standard job specifications and conditions for the standard pharmacy practices and job description etc are made & designated for the graduate pharmacists and other pharmacy staffs to work for the pharmacy practices in the hospitals, health institutions, clinics and other community healthcare centers. Thus, pharmacy service lineups and positioning for the graduate pharmacists in all of the spheres of the healthcare system are not available or existing in Bangladesh. For that reason, not a single job creation was made for the graduate pharmacists in the public hospitals and other health institutions of our country; despite the requests & demands of the Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Society (BPS) and Pharmacy Graduates Association (PGA); and the sincere willingness of the politicians, health ministers and important stakeholders since the long run days of 1968. Let us approach in requesting the members of the legislature (parliament) of our country, for the initiation and making of significantly necessary statutory laws for the provisions of delivering the secured services and the values of the good pharmacy practices in our healthcare system; as similar as to that of the other countries of the world. Bangladesh has been producing highly qualified and talent graduate pharmacists since 1964 (and has already produced them in enough numbers) whom may work in the institutional, hospital and community pharmacies to serve good pharmacy services to the people and can also coordinate with other health providers of the healthcare system of our country. Once we come under the proposed type of enacted statutory laws and other necessary legal provisions of the pharmacy practices in our country (that are highly needed for the good pharmacy practices); our Graduate Pharmacists will be able to participate and in assisting with the other healthcare providers (doctors etc) in the healthcare system through regular and collaborative ways to provide and ensure the appropriate and highly useful good pharmacy services in our healthcare system in securing good health to the people.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 13:46:06 +0000

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