BATTLE OF THE BIBLES For those Bible believing Christians who - TopicsExpress


BATTLE OF THE BIBLES For those Bible believing Christians who have not compared the bewildering number of modern Bible translations with the King James Bible and discovered the deplorable degree of doctrinal violence against the King James Version that is seen in every modern Bible translation they have been betrayed by their ministers. This stands among the greatest threats to a Bible obedient faith. But when time is taken to compare the many translations and see the many contradictions among them, but their single-minded union against the King James Version, one readily comes to the conclusion that there is a spirit at work, actively deceiving the church. The schemes of Satan to keep men bound to their sins and thus perish in their sins are so successful that Scripture teaches that the vast majority of professing Christians will not escape the condemnation of sin and will find themselves standing side by side with men whose life’s character makes one shudder at the thought. The threat of sin is much more grievous than men in the church give consideration. Said Jesus Christ on this vital issue facing every man: “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” “For many be called, but few chosen.” Matt.7:14; 20:16. The Apostle Peter likewise gave the same warning of the severity from the threat of sin, “And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?” I Pet.4:18. And we are called to understand why so many in the various church denominations will be lost: not only for ourselves but for those whose lives we care for and love, which should include every man, woman, and child. Among the leading contributors to the destruction of souls are churchmen who have taken the banner of leadership and betrayed their trust as GOD’S stewards. (Ezekiel, chapter 34 encapsulates the betrayal of spiritual leadership in the church.) For the average man who belives in Christ and works hard to provide for his family, and serve GOD to the best of his ability, in his limited free time he entrusts his very soul in the hands of his church minister, be he a Catholic priest, a Protestant pastor, a Mormon minister, or a Jehovah’s Witness elder. But if the beliefs and teachings of the minister stand combative to Scripture’s guidelines for salvation, the salvation of that hard-working man stands in jeopardy, along with his family. In the responsibility of any leadership an integrity to Christ’s standard of morality is vital. Among the dozens of Bibles in the world, there is only one Bible that to this day is opposed and condemned by the Roman Catholic Church: The King James Version Bible. This is because the KJV represents the culmination of the Protestant movement, which, to this day is viewed as heresy by the Roman church. But the Protestants today cannot be compared to the Protestants of the Reformation: in either the wisdom of their education, or the spilling of their blood to achieve the liberties we enjoy today and too often take for granted. The sacrifice of life that paved the way for our freedom is little remembered. Jesus warned of this prideful stance in both Catholicism and Protestantism. Of men who are dishonest with Scripture and who worship their own religion above the GOD of heaven the LORD declares: “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth [Your self-righteousness makes Me nauseous to the point of throwing up]. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.” Rev.3:15-17. To be lukewarm is to be self-righteous (Isa.65:2-7). Christ’s rebuke is due to the multitudes of His children who will not escape the condemnation of sin because of corrupt leadership in the church. This stumbling block lays at the heart of Revelation 13, and the worship of “the beast and his image” (Rev.14:11). Herein lies the danger: To be self-righteous is to work against humility. To work against humility is to refuse repentance. To refuse repentance is to reject salvation. To reject salvation is to condone the murder of “the Son of God” on the Cross. At the end of time GOD the Father will ask every demon angel and unrepentant man, “What did you do with My Son?” Historical Perspective In the bitter time of Christianity’s struggle to escape papal tyranny, forty-seven scholars, commissioned by King James, translated the Word of GOD into the most eloquent & poetic of all languages: Middle English. It refines the character; it ennobles the intellect; it exposes the traps of Satan; it reveals that only GOD, in the fullness of His Word can fulfill the heaven-born desire for justice, mercy and love. The great historian, Benjamin Wilkinson wrote in his book, Our Authorized Version Vindicated: “With regard to the different versions, it is necessary, while confirming the glorious inspiration of the Bible, to warn the people against Bibles which include false books, and, especially at the present time, against the dangers of false readings in genuine books. There are versions of the Bible, prepared by men of scholarship, with certain books and readings we cannot accept. Such versions may be of use for reference or comparison. In certain passages, they may give a clearer rendering. But it is unthinkable that those who use such versions would be un- willing to have the public informed of their dangers.” “One author writes: ‘There is the idea in the minds of some people that scholarship demands the laying aside of the Authorized Version of the Bible and taking up the latest Revised Version. This is an idea, however, without any proper bases. This Revised Version is in large part in line with what is known as modernism, and is peculiarly acceptable to those who think that any change, anywhere or in anything, is progress. Those who have really investigated the matter, and are in hearty sympathy with what is evangelical, realize that this Revised Version is a part of the movement to ‘modernize’ Christian thought and faith and do away with the estab- lished truth.’—The Herald and Presbyter (Presbyterian), July 16, 1924, p. 10. “Many individual efforts produced different Greek New Testaments. Likewise furious attacks were made upon the Old Testament in Hebrew, from which the King James and other Bibles had been translated. None of these assaults, however, met with any marked success until the Revision Committee was appointed by the southern half of the Church of England under the Archbishop of Canterbury, — although the same church in the northern half of England under the Archbishop of York, refused to be a party to the project. “This Revision Committee, besides the changes in the Old Testament, made over 5000 changes in the Received Text of the New Testament and so produced a new Greek New Testament. This permitted all the forces hostile to the Bible to gather themselves together and pour through the breach. Since then, the flood gates have been opened and we are now deluged with many different kinds of Greek New Testaments and with English Bibles translated from them, changed and mutilated in bewildering confusion.” The Single Greatest Example of This Mutilation The most corrupt modern Bible is the New International Version (NIV). Next to the KJV, this is the most widely sold Bible in the world. By omission or change of wording they have changed the meaning of texts in at least 229 verses in the New Testament alone! Even the closing words of the LORD’S Prayer were determined to be of no value and removed! But how precious are His words: “For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.” Matt.6:13. This is how bold the spiritual arrogance against Christ has become, even in the church! In fact, the history of the church has been a long succession of miscalculations in its relationship with GOD and Jesus Christ. Let’s get to the crux of the corruptions. The NIV translators have attacked THE INSPIRATION OF THE BIBLE (Matt.27:35; Mk.13:14, 15,27,28; Lu.4:4) THE CONVERTING POWER OF THE HOLY GHOST (Matt.13:15, 18:3; Lu.33:32) CHRISTIAN PERFECTION (II Tim.3:16,17) THE DEITY OF CHRIST (Matt.18:11; Jn.6:47, v.69; 16:16; Eph.3:14) THE CREATORSHIP OF CHRIST (Eph.3:9) THE PROPHECY OF CHRIST (Dan.9:26,27) THE COMMANDMENTS OF CHRIST (Ex.20:10; Ps.111:10; Rev.22:14) THE LOVE OF CHRIST (Dan.9:26; Lu.9:56) THE CALL TO REPENTANCE (Matt.9:13; Mk.2:17) THE MISAPPLICATION OF THE MORAL LAW (Col.3:16,17) THE GREAT JUDGMENT AGAINST SINFUL MEN (Ps.36:20; II Pet.2:9) AND THEY MOCK AT THE WARNINGS OF CHRIST (Lu.9:55; Rev.22:18,19) All under the guise of religious scholarship. The NIV translators have truly slandered the message of Christ’s salvation and robbed the glory of the Holy Ghost: “Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof” (2. Tim. 3:5). Today, many theologians take glory to themselves in their Christian experience, insisting that they can convert themselves. Atheistic philosophy says the same. “You have the power within you” is the modern trend. Or as Satan puts it, “ye shall be as gods” (Gen.3:5). The NIV treats Mark 4:12; John 12:40 and Acts 28:27 the same way. But the sacred Scriptures lead us to take another view: “I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart.” “LORD...thou also hast wrought all our works in us.” “The LORD hath appeared ...saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.” “For without me ye can do nothing.” Ps.119:32; Is.26:12; Jer.31:3; Jn.15:5. In summation: the NIV translators omitted: 17 whole verses and 18 portions of verses. They omitted names of our LORD: “Jesus” 38 times, “Christ” 43 times, “Lord” 35 times, “God” 31 times, Other names 26 times, to a total of 173 times the Name of Christ is denied. The NIV translators openly condemn themselves! They kept Revelation’s warning about adding or subtracting from the Bible (Rev.22:18,19). Then they blithely omit whole texts, portions of texts, and the intended lessons of texts. The Spirit of GOD would never lead a single soul to take the liberties we see in the flood of modern Bible translations. And this includes the New King James Version. Although the closest to the KJV, liberties to paraphrase many texts against the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts also assaults the LORD Jesus Christ. So, in these closing days of the Gospel work, the Bible student is called to the remedy the LORD gave to the Laodicean church, of His faith, His righteousness, and His discernment: “I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. The Scriptures were the Saviour’s guide to victory. How much more should they be ours.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 11:25:38 +0000

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