BATTLEGROUND..where DO I begin??? First let me say that I have no - TopicsExpress


BATTLEGROUND..where DO I begin??? First let me say that I have no real issues with any of the quality of the matches themselves..some very good, well executed matches that were entertaining to watch.... BUT..WTF was creative thinking? HOW many times do we watch the Wyatts lose to the Usos before we assume they are a mid card tag team with no real future other than henchmen for Bray? You effectively buried their potential once and for all last night in a match that didnt even need to take place if you were scripting THAT outcome. It accomplished NOTHING save for undermining a great team.... JERICHO defeats BRAy??? So you call a part time worker at the end of an admittedly great career to further bury a top heel you ALREADY buried by allowing Cena to beat him 6 dozen times??? Why would Jericho need that push? What POSSIBLE use is it? MIZ wins the IC title....Another guy who comes and goes based on his movie roles and he gets the nod..not Cesaro...not Ziggler..Not even Dallas all of whom COULD have at least taken advantage of the chance to wear that belt.....Allowing Slater to toss out Cesaro was a purposeful message to us that they have ZERO in store for him..ZERO.... WWE seems to build up a worker and when it seems they are starting to get over they KILL has to be done on purpose because no one is that the question is WHY? Why bring in the Wyatts like they are the second coming..Build them to the point where fans are clamoring for them and then make them so beatable they arent even relevant anymore?? Why build Cesaro up until fans are holding signs stating Cesaro section and then hook him up with Heyman to kill his face appeal then kill his HEEL value as well??? Why IGNORE fans who would have gone home happy with handing Ziggler a minor championship and give him a short run to see if he can stay healthy and gain momentum??? What I saw last night was maybe the single worst booking in one PPV I have EVER seen..and for NO reason other than to be less predictable Its great to not be predictable but not at the expense of talent and the ruination of their gimmicks or push.... Im beyond disappointed in the WWE because it seems if ANY worker other than Cena threatens to overshadow the old guard they are squashed..Now we know why the shield were disbanded..not because Reigns was their golden boy..but because they were TOO lets STOP that cold before they overshadow the past. I see where this is heading and it stinks on cannot run a wrestling fed by fearing your name or your friends names will get overshadowed by new workers..that is, in fact, your GOAL..or SHOULD be....Im still shaking my head over this one gang..and its NOT a coincidence..its going to be business as usuall and its a damn shame.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 15:34:42 +0000

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