BBC News reports that the number of people in the world who are - TopicsExpress


BBC News reports that the number of people in the world who are obese or overweight has topped 2.1 billion, up from 875 million in 1980, the latest figures published in The Lancet show. Whats more not one country is succeeding in treating it, said the research. US, China and Russia had the highest rates and the UK was third in Western Europe, the 188-country study said. The Food Doctor says: We reported on this yesterday too, with research finding that young women are fatter than anywhere else in western Europe. One problem lies in the fact that sugar is cheap and in the right (high) quality it helps to extend the shelf-life of a product. Put these two factors together and you have product with a high profit margin and a formula that the food industry is unlikely to give-up in a hurry. With the levels of obesity, diabetes and cancer rising and occurring at much younger ages than ever before it is now time for new policies to be put in place that restrict the addition of all forms of sugar within certain foods so that we can move towards a healthier future. Here are five ways to cut back on sugar Cereals – swap sugar coated breakfast cereals for sugar free varieties and add fresh chopped fruit for added natural sweetness. Sweet treats – limit sweets, chocolates and other types of confectionary to once or twice a week. Snacks – the best way to cut back on sugar at snack time is to switch to savoury snacks. Swap biscuits and cakes for an oat cake with hummus or turkey slice. You’re likely to feel fuller for longer! Sweet tooth – if you do have a sweet tooth then don’t reach for foods with added sugar. Eating more fresh fruit which is naturally sweet can help to satisfy your sweet tooth and provide you with nutrients like fibre, vitamins and antioxidants needed for good health. Drinks – Soft drinks like lemonade, cola’s and energy drinks along with fruit juices are all extremely high in sugar. Swap these for water or fizzy water with a splash of fruit juice.
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 17:45:01 +0000

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