BBC Persiian Service has imposed ,since 70 years ago, on its - TopicsExpress


BBC Persiian Service has imposed ,since 70 years ago, on its viewers and listeners this notion, ignoring the overwelming testemony of Iranologists,such as Herodotus,Plutarch,A.Christensen, J.Arberry,Immanuel Velikovsky and many others to the fact that the first and the greatest empire ,ever since,had been built by the persians,that Iran was built after the Otteman Empire and can be counted as a counterfeit State.It is history*s irony that, at the same time that Britain was cionquered by the Roman general and consul,Julius Caesar and remained the Roman Colony for more than 200 years,another Roman general and consul,Crassus,invaded Iran around 53 B.C. and was severly defeated by the Iranians at Carrhae.Later one Roman Emperor was captured,Valerian,and two others were killed in the wars with Iran.Now ridiculously ,this British Persian Service, claims that Iran is a newly- counterfieted country, whereas ,according to the Russian-born American Iranologist ,Immanuel Velikosky,the Persians had built an Epmire,unprecedented in greatness and civilisation .So should we laugh or mourn for the notoriuos British hypocrecy inflicted upon Iranian people who work for the Persian Service of the BBC ?
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 11:48:51 +0000

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