BCL-Shibir desperate to take control SHARIFUL ISLAM Since - TopicsExpress


BCL-Shibir desperate to take control SHARIFUL ISLAM Since after the decision to reopen Shah Amanat Hall of Chittagong University (CU), an apprehension of possible violence has gripped the campus as the student organisations of two major political parties are allegedly making desperate move to take its possession. The authorities took the decision on August 13 to reopen the dormitory, which has remained shut since early January. According to sources, CU units of Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) and Bangladesh Islami Chhatra Shibir are in a neck and neck position in working out their plans to take possession of the university’s largest male dormitory. The university authorities issued a notice on August 13 canceling the previous allotment of all the 632 seats and asking for fresh applications for re-allotment of those from that very day to 31 August. Nevertheless, the general students are getting fear-struck to apply for the seats anew because of the reportedly growing tug of war between BCL and Shibir to establish their respective supremacy like the past. The dormitory sources said CU unit BCL leaders have demanded a large number of seats and accordingly, their fellows are collecting allotment forms. Mohammed Alamgir Tipu, an ex-organising secretary of CU BCL’s dissolved committee, brushing aside the allegation, said they are rather keen to reside with general students in the hall, gradually at the rest four. Warning their rival organisaion, he said there will be little existence of Shibir on the campus, let alone their taking control of the dormitories. On the contrary, Shibir, for which the campus is a stronghold, is vowing to win the race. Shibir anyhow wants to maintain their dominance as its leaders and activists have already started threatening of ‘sparing not’ if they fail to continue their accommodation as per the previous allotment, said a dormitory official, preferring anonymity. Warning the authorities, CU Shibir president Mustafizur Rahman said they would introduce an agitation once their 300 leaders and activists lose their allotment. “If the authorities stick to their decision, we would launch a tough movement, paralysing the university,” threatened Mustafizur, demanding that the previous allotment be effective. On such ground, a human chain under the banner of general students was formed, which was reportedly organised by Shibir. In such a situation, many general students are not braving to apply for allotment anew as they are badly scared of political chaos. Najran Hossain, an ex- resident of the hall, said he still finds it considerable to lose his allotment like others. “No wonder I am out of the dormitory now as it could be even fateful for me if the BCL and Shibir men lock into another clash,” feared Najran, a third year botany student who lived there for two years. Echoing similar sentiment, Asikul Islam, a sophomore of Statistics Department, said he too is not willing to bag an allotment since the dormitory has turned far ‘insecure’ as many brawls took place there before. However, the hall sources said only the selected students, based on their eligibilities, would be awarded accommodation in the dormitory as soon as the re-allotment process ends. Students could start staying probably from early September, hinted Shah Amant Hall Provost Prof Mohammad Abul Monsur, adding, they were aware of any unwanted situation. “Students have nothing to worry about. We’ll be keeping an eye to check anything offensive,” he said. CU Proctor Siraj-ud Doullah, on the security front, told The Independent that they are strongly monitoring the issue to maintain peaceful and academic-friendly environment on the campus. “We’ll strictly handle any anarchy if seen, and take immediate stern actions against those guilty,” he added. Previously, on 12 January, the dormitory was shut sine die following a deadly clash between the two student bodies, killing a Shibir leader and injuring 20 others from both the organisations.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 11:44:33 +0000

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