BCS IS NOT PLANTED BUT IT GERMINATES: THE HOLY SPIRIT WHO IS THE TEACHER AND THE RULER. *NEW TEACHING: WHEREVER BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR IS TAKEN TO THE INDIGENES OF THE PLACE ARE SOUGHT FOR AND THEIR POSSESSION IS HANDED TO THEM. BROTHERHOOD IS NOT PLANTED BUT IT GERMINATES. THAT IS WHY WHEREVER IT IS TAKEN TO, THE INDIGENES OF THE PLACE ARE SOUGHT FOR AND THEIR POSSESSION IS HANDED TO THEM. This is our government in which we do not steal and we do not kill. Who is it that does not love goodness. No other person rules. It is the Holy Spirit who is the Teacher and the Ruler. The Indians rule themselves with their own System of government. Russia, America and every country has its own ruler with its common form of government because love is new. All the old things have passed away. It is love alone who rules in heaven and earth. Do not kill animals or man again. Do not hate any person. Do not steal. Remain in love and peace with all. This is the teaching which the Holy Spirit has brought. Our Mistakes You err when you say that Brotherhood comes from Nigeria, or from Calabar, or from Biakpan; or that Olumba Olumba Obu is the owner. You also err when you say that you go to plant Brotherhood. Is it plantain or yam? You also err when you claim that you are ruling Brotherhood? Do you rule Brotherhood or does Brotherhood rule you? He teaches us and forgives our sins. He changes and reforms us. He feeds us and teaches us to love one another. What is the work you have done? It is for the whole world to rejoice because Brotherhood does not emanate from any person. You may leave me out but go and live in peace and love with one another. That is what the Holy Spirit has brought. The first man was Adam. Were there no other names? But it was started with Adam and Eve. Everything has got a beginning. Today are Adam and Eve with us? What do you lose and what does Adam lose? It is said that many people run in a race but only one person receives the prize. Man Has To Lead Since it was ordained that man should be at the head no matter what happens, man will be at the head. When you kill an animal it belongs to you while in the forest, but when you bring it out to the village, it is no more yours. Communism was started by Lenin in Russia and now he is dead, and the body embalmed and preserved for posterity. This is all you can see of him. God used Mohammed to found Islam. Today Mohammed is no more in the world but Islam is still practiced as a religion. Boniface started Roman Catholicism but is he here today? Bahaula started the Bahai faith but is he here today? God uses people to accomplish His will. Forget about these people because they are like the moon which shines for all. Each of them is a messenger and nothing else. God will not start any instruction with a tree. If this is the cause of your annoyance, do not mention the name of Olumba Obu, keep him out but practice the teachings of the Holy Spirit. Do not look again to the left or right. John the Baptist started preaching repentance. (Mark 1:4) Our Lord Jesus Christ also came but are these people physically here today? At all times God has to pass through men. This foundation is very sure. Brotherhood existed before the foundation of the world was laid. This is the time of its manifestation and there is no going back. This is the only expected Kingdom we have been praying for. Have you ever seen anything from Africa which gains popularity in Europe and America? Let me tell you what is happening in the world today because it is the Holy Spirit who is revealing Himself to the people. There is a certain man in London who vowed not to bow down to any black man. That night, as he went to bed, the Holy Spirit revealed himself lavishly unto him. The following day he resigned his appointment, and now goes about with soutane preaching the gospel in every part of town and even sleeps with his soutane on. Another man from Cross River State of Nigeria who was a Pastor in another church denomination was arrested in Lebanon with a lot of foreign currency while on a business trip. The case was such that he would not escape jail or the firing squad but the Father appeared and he was released. When he got back, to London, he got baptized with members of his household and now rejoices in Brotherhood. He will be here this month. Is this the work of man? Was I the one who went to him. What can a small person like myself know how to do? Attribute All To Jehovah God And His Christ IF YOU WANT TO PRACTICE BROTHERHOOD, TALK ONLY ABOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THERE WILL BE PEACE. DO NOT WANDER TO ANY PART OF THE WORLD BECAUSE YOU WILL FIND NO WAY. THE FOUNDATION IS SURE. This is why a lot of people try to render the teaching in various languages. The time for deceit had long past. Count me out of what you do. I am not a chief, I am neither chairman, nor Pastor, nor Prophet, nor Christ Servant, nor Elder nor anything, but the point is, what about the work? If you refuse me, do you equally refuse the work? Our Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation and the Leader. Jehovah God and His Christ is the one in control. I had told you that I am not the doer of this work. But even if I lie down in the house, the work still continues. Imagine the testimonies of what happened in Germany and other parts of the world. HAVE YOU EVER FOUND ME TRAVELLING OUT EVEN TO ORON? GOD HAD DISGRACED THE WISDOM OF THE WORLD, OF THE WHITES AND OF THE BLACKS. HE ALONE EXISTS. I have no boast of my own. I boast in Him. Let our Golden Text be read. BY LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR Excerpt from the gospel: WHITHER AFRICA ………………………………………………………………………………………. HEADQUARTERS GOLDEN TEXT: JOHN 14:6 Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me. Brethren, my SECOND WITNESS is drawn from JOHN 1:1-17 In the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was the life and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in the darkness; and the darkness comprehend it not. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness to bear witness of that Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light, but he was sent to bear witness to that Light. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. BUT AS MANY AS RECEIVED HIM, TO THEM GAVE HE POWER TO BECOME THE SONS OF GOD, EVEN TO THEM THAT BELIEVE ON HIS NAME: WHICH WERE BORN, NOT OF BLOOD, NOR OF THE WILL OF THE FLESH, NOR OF THE WILL OF MAN, BUT OF GOD. And the word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father), full of Grace and truth. John bare witness of him and cried, saying, This was he whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me; for he was before me; and of his fullness have all we received, and grace for grace. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. I have finished. What you have just heard is what I have for you. A lot of people are of the view that the Headquarters of BCS is in Biakpan. Are such people the ones who took the headquarters from 34 Ambo to Biakpan? Where is BCS Headquarters to start with? I had thought we are the embodiment of BCS Headquarters. ARE WE NOT, ONE BY ONE, THE HEADQUARTERS? For instance, if you should board a ship and you begin to sing songs, do the work of God, are you at fault? Also if you should erect a big cathedral at Lagos for the Father are you at fault? Also, if you should sojourn in London and you practice the word of God, strengthen things, would people question why you have come? That is the thing. IN ESSENCE WE, INDIVIDUALLY, ARE THE EMBODIMENT OF BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR HEADQUARTERS. THERE IS NO POINT CLAIMING YOU ARE OBUS FIRST SON, HIS SECOND, YOU ARE HIS BROTHER, YOU COME FROM HIS VILLAGE, YOU ARE HIS FRIEND, YOU ALL STARTED TOGETHER. ALL THOSE THINGS ARE A WASTE OF TIME AND NOT THE ISSUE AT ALL. WE ARE ALL ONE AND THE EMBODIMENT OF THE FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT, THE TRINITY GOD, HENCE THERE IS NO SEGREGATION IN HIM. THE ENTIRE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD CONSTITUTE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR HEADQUARTERS. THEREFORE GOD HAS NOT GIVEN ANYBODY THE WARRANT OR CERTIFICATE TO TELL LIES, STEAL, NOR TO STOP PRACTISING THE WORD OF GOD. Also why did you come? Dont you know that this is the city of God? God owns all the cities in the world and everything in the world. Therefore, there is no questioning here, there is no proclamation thus: I do not want join anything. What do you want to join in earnest? Brethren, that is exactly what I have for you and I do not want to be tedious with you. Our Lord Jesus Christ said that whoever believes in Him shall do greater works because He was going to back to His Father. Therefore, whosoever believes in me, the same work shall he do and much greater work than this shall he do. That is the reason why Christ said whosoever believes in Him, greater works than that would they do because I go back to my Father. Therefore, whosoever believes in me, the same work shall he do and much greater work than this shall he do... Brethren, if you come across someone who accomplishes this work, know that such is a believer, he has believed fervently in God of a truth. Also, if you come across someone who does not do this work, know that such is a great rebel. Brethren, he who has ears to hear, let him hear. May God bless His Holy Words. Amen THANK YOU HOLY FATHER. BY: LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR ………………………………………………………………………………………. HIS NAME SHALL BE ON THEIR FOREHEADS Second Bible Lesson: Revelation 22:4 They shall see his face, and His name shall be in their foreheads. * IMAGINE THIS TYPE OF LOVE, FOR A PERSON TO BE A KING, AND HE IDENTIFIES ALL HIS SUBJECTS AS KINGS ALSO. WHAT MANNER OF LOVE IS THIS! THERE IS NO DISCRIMINATION AS TO WHO SHOULD HAVE THIS NAME ON HIS FOREHEAD, NO PARTIALITY, NO DIVISION. * IT IS ALSO WRITTEN THAT HE WHO CONQUERS, I WILL MAKE HIM A PILLAR IN THE TEMPLE AND NEVER SHALL HE GO OUT OF IT. What will you conquer in order to be made a pillar? You must conquer fear, gossiping, slandering temptations, loose conduct. Yes anyone that conquers these things will receive that insignia of the new Jerusalem on him. The very name that is inscribed on His garment is what he writes on your foreheads if you conquer. * THE NEW CITY SPOKEN ABOUT SYMBOLIZES YOU YOURSELVES. THE NEW JERUSALEM SPOKEN ABOUT ALSO REFERS TO YOU. AND HIS NAME MENTIONED THEREIN IS THE WORD OF GOD. Brethren do you hear that? That they will see his face and that his name shall be on their foreheads. THE WORD OF GOD COMES LIKE FIRE. It is wonderful to see this type of glory that God has manifested to sinful people like ourselves here in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. Examine from any record available, whether there has ever been a period of time similar to ours here in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. Forget about being a Prophet, a Pastor, a Visioner, a Bishop, Apostle. All these names are deceptive and filled with falsehood. All who have seen God face to face have got his name written on their foreheads by the one who has the secret name on His garment. Therefore, you are no longer known by those titles but by the name on your foreheads. No one hears of your Names again, no one knows you by your Names, if you like write your names all over your body, you are only known by the NAME written on your foreheads. In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. A-men. With this new name on your foreheads, wherever you go, inside the water, on top of the hills, in the thick forest, everything that sees this name on your foreheads subjects and submits to you. In the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. A-men. You can move and travel to any part of the world fearlessly. Nothing will rise up against you because of that name on your foreheads. Therefore Brethren, do not seek for again any other names to answer or seek for position, for this name on your foreheads surpasses everything in the world. Brethren, is it not a thing of joy for all of us sinners who are not deserving of Gods grace, that God has chosen to write His name on our foreheads? When people see you, they eventually see God; for you and God are One. IMAGINE THIS TYPE OF LOVE, FOR A PERSON TO BE A KING, AND HE IDENTIFIES ALL HIS SUBJECTS AS KINGS ALSO. WHAT MANNER OF LOVE IS THIS! THERE IS NO DISCRIMINATION AS TO WHO SHOULD HAVE THIS NAME ON HIS FOREHEAD, NO PARTIALITY, NO DIVISION. Some do not want to see other members wearing the white gown, they say it is for the prophets only. NO, THIS IS YOUR GARMENT OF GLORY. WHETHER YOU CAME IN TODAY OR NOT, THAT NAME WILL BE WRITTEN ON YOUR FOREHEADS AND YOU BECOME A CITIZEN OF THIS NEW KINGDOM. YOU ARE NO MORE KNOWN BY ANY OTHER NAME, BUT BY THAT ONE NAME ON YOUR FOREHEADS. With this name on your foreheads you are equals, unless you do not have this name on you. You cannot hide your identity when once this name has been written on your foreheads. You sinners, have you seen that name inscribed on your foreheads? The world has rejected you, sin has rejected you. You have no one on your side. YOU ARE THE FATHER! YOU ARE TO WALK FEARLESSLY, BOLDLY, FOR THERE IS NONE THAT CAN CHALLENGE YOU. IT IS THIS BOLDNESS THAT MAKES PEOPLE TO WONDER WHAT YOU ARE GIVEN HERE IN BROTHERHOOD. Every word of God is accompanied with Power. Therefore do not ask any question of what is written on your foreheads, because all that were written about you are now fulfilled in this final part of the time. Do not worry yourselves to fast in order to know about the name on your foreheads. That is contention and egotism. This will be disastrous to you. Take the words that Christ spoke to His disciples when they returned from the ministry to heart: DO NOT REJOICE BECAUSE THE DEMONS HAVE SUBJECTED THEMSELVES TO YOU BUT REJOICE BECAUSE YOUR NAMES HAVE BEEN WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE.(Luke 10:17-20). DO NOT REJOICE BECAUSE YOU HAVE CHILDREN, DO NOT REJOICE OF THESE PRIVILEGES, BUT REJOICE BECAUSE YOU HAVE SEEN HIM FACE TO FACE, AND HE HAS WRITTEN HIS NAME ON YOUR FOREHEADS. If you look on your face in a mirror you will not see this name. If you approach a visioner to tell you what is written on your foreheads he will not see it, he cannot tell you. Because that name is an everlasting redemption for all sons of God. Do you remember when the four angels were standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the winds of the earth, that no wind might blow on earth or sea or against any tree but one of the angels stood by and told them to hold on until they have sealed the servants of God upon their foreheads, and those so sealed numbered 144,000.(Rev 7:3-4). These have the name of their Father written on their foreheads and there shall be no evil, that will befall them. Since the foundation of the world, this is the first time that the demons have been puzzled with calculations. Because the people in whole world do not know the source of the power in Brotherhood. People ask what is the Brotherhood all about? They ask you to tell them the truth of the secret Power in Brotherhood and your answer is always, I do not know. Hardly do they believe you, they continue investigating and even checking your movements, all to no avail. But it is that Name on your foreheads that is worrying them. BECAUSE EVEN DEATH FLEES AT SEEING THAT NAME ON YOUR FOREHEADS. There is no other name in the world today than this wonderful name. Today if you write this name `BROTHERHOOD on your door post, your co-tenants will not be happy to see it. It is written that the name of His God, the name of the city and his new name will be written on your foreheads.(Rev 3:12). That is why if you call Him Jehovah, Jah, He does not hear you, because this is not His new Name. IT IS ALSO WRITTEN THAT HE WHO CONQUERS, I WILL MAKE HIM A PILLAR IN THE TEMPLE AND NEVER SHALL HE GO OUT OF IT. What will you conquer in order to be made a pillar? You must conquer fear, gossiping, slandering temptations, loose conduct. Yes anyone that conquers these things will receive that insignia of the new Jerusalem on him. The very name that is inscribed on His garment is what he writes on your foreheads if you conquer. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF IT, BRETHREN, THAT HE WRITES ON YOUR FOREHEADS THE EXACT NAME THAT HE IS KNOWN BY? WHAT A WONDERFUL PRIVILEGE! Go and tell all those now fighting to be called Jesus or Christ, angry people, man of strife and bitterness, tell them that the former things have passed away and now all things have been made new. TODAY MANY PEOPLE ARE EVEN SURPRISED TO HEAR THE NAME BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR. They say that they have heard of so many names of Churches, but not BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR. Since you were born have you yourselves heard of such a name, either in this world or in a dream? This is an example of what I have been telling you. Today people nurse an animosity against this name, BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR. If you visit people and say that you are from the Duke Town Church, or Church of Christ or any other church, you will be welcomed. But if you say that you are of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, you will be given cold shoulder and asked to go away from their midst. Even juju priests will be welcome, for they say that they are saving lives. Members of these Societies will be encouraged but not those of Brotherhood. This they say is too bad to belong to. They term it a Society of Beelzebub. Today no one in the Brotherhood says he is going to a Church but to a Bethel. They talk about building new Bethels and this language is only understood by them. YES, IF GOD DOES NOT TEACH YOU, YOU WILL NOT LEARN, YOU WILL NEVER, NEVER UNDERSTAND, NO MATTER HOW OLD YOU ARE IN THIS WORLD. THE NEW CITY SPOKEN ABOUT SYMBOLIZES YOU YOURSELVES. THE NEW JERUSALEM SPOKEN ABOUT ALSO REFERS TO YOU. AND HIS NAME MENTIONED THEREIN IS THE WORD OF GOD. It is said that never shall they go out of it. Mention any Church in the whole world where its members sleep in it always. But not so in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. This is the house of our God where all those who come in will not go out of it. May we listen to the golden text. BY: LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR EXCERPT FROM : THE NEW NAME OF GOD
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 22:59:11 +0000

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