BDF Jails private for dating a Lady officer. A Botswana Defence - TopicsExpress


BDF Jails private for dating a Lady officer. A Botswana Defence Force (BDF) court marshal has ruled that a junior officer be detained in military prison for engaging in a love affair with his senior, Colonel KatsoDikole has confirmed. Private Uariua, 26 has already served over two weeks of his one and a half months(45 days) prison sentence at the Sir SeretseKhamaBaracks in Mogoditshane. Both Private Uariua and his girlfriend, second Lt Thabang Evelyn Thapisang of the Air Defence Operations Command(ADOC) have been charged with Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. This is contrary to section 65 of BDF Act which states that any person who is guilty of any act, conduct or neglect to the prejudice of good order and military discipline shall, on conviction by court marshal or by the High Court, be liable to imprisonment for two years or any less punishment provided by this act. The two lovers have also been served with letters to show cause within the next 14 days as to why they should not be discharged from the force. The forbidden couple was apparently court marshalled after a thorough investigation by the military intelligence revealed that they were not only dating but had serious intentions of marrying each other and starting a family. In fact Lt Thapisang is already heavily pregnant with the couple’s first baby, a predicament which allegedly saved her a jail term as she got away with a salary cut instead. Commenting on the matter, a colleague who asked not to be named for fear of victimisationsaid . “Ever since the two young couple have been interrogated and forced to declare that they were lovers, they have been persecuted in all ways by the BDF and denied promotion, especially the lady officer who was due for automatic elevation to the next rank with all of her colleagues who joined the force at the same time. She was also recalled from flying school and threatened with expulsion from the army.” the source revealed. The concerned colleague went on further to allege that the couple’s case has exposed a lot of discrimination and bias by bosses in the BDF because the two were not the first soldiers to date across ranks. “As we speak there are over six couples that are married within the military and plenty others who are in relationships and even have illegitimate kids yet they are not being questioned and persecuted about their family affairs. This then raises the question, why these two in particular? This then in turn raises suspicions that this whole investigation could have been instigated by a jealous male officer whose advances the beautiful Lady officer might have spurned.” the colleague opined. He went on to mention that he has observed that seeing the young private squirm and suffer humiliation in prison uniform has become some form of sick entertainment for some of the private’ superiors. “They ridicule him,laugh at him and go on about how he has been punished for ‘eating the bosses food” the source said. Asked if there there has been any precedent to Uariua and Thapisang’s case colonel Dikole said “ There has not been any precedent, albeit fraternization is condemned and will continue to be condemned under the strongest of terms within the BDF or anywhere else for that matter. His incarceration is by virtue of having been found guilty. The case has been concluded.” Meanwhile a retired BDF Brigadier explained that dating across ranks is not only prohibited in Botswana but in many other armies across the world too for discipline purposes. “These two should have known that when you join the force you give up some of your civil rights,” he said and went on further to advise that the best thing to do would be for the private to quit the army, marry his Lady officer and enjoy the benefits of an officer. “ Right now he won’t be allowed entry in officers mess and other privileges like that. It would be an awkward relationship but if he becomes a civilian he can enjoy his wife’s benefits.” he said. Lt Thapisang wouldn’t comment on the matter and Private Uauria could not be seen because his one slot visit per month had already been used up by the girlfriend.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 11:19:50 +0000

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