BE AN ELDER WITH A GOOD REPORT…FOR YOUR NAME TO BE FOUND IN THE GREAT VOLUMES OF THE HEAVENLY BOOKS LIVING WORD FRIENDLY TODAY: Take time and diligently study the books of Hebrews 11 and 2Samuel 23:8-end, but let us start from Hebrews 11:1-2, 39 1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. 2 For by it the elders obtained a good report. 39 And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise: As a part of fulfilling our high mandate of the great commission of Matthew 28:18-20 in TEACHING ALL NATIONS, the Lord has been giving us exciting topics to share with all nations, particularly the Christian community. Preaching motivates, while sound progressive revealed teachings and decoding of the prophetic and eternal principal principles of God ESTABLISHES. I know that many people have very poor reading habit but permit me to ask you to learn to cultivate a good and enduring habit of reading an article to the end. You need to read so as to learn to lead and know more than your enemies. READ AND LEAD IN LIFE! Wisdom says that information brings knowledge; knowledge brings a revelation, while a revelation provokes a revolution that makes us to aggressively reach out to obtain our prophetic inheritances as enshrined in the throne-room gazette. Do me a favour and read this to the end with the freedom to like, comment and share, even criticize honestly and constructively. All we are after is to be a blessing. Now, let us take it from here; YOU ARE ANOINTED BY GOD FOR A GOOD REPORT, NOT OTHERWISE There are two significant words that make our title puzzling namely; ELDER AND GOOD REPORT…we shall try to bring out their meanings as they relate to this great topic and finally land on the main reason or the revelation behind this topic for a time like this. WHO IS AN ELDER? The word elder is a coded word with many meanings depending on the context and content of its application. Elder can be used to describe seniority, the aged as in the elderly, etc. it can also be used to depict maturity, but for the purpose of this great epistle of divine communication and transmission, we shall narrow it down to people in a prophetic-apostolic position, specially called and ordained for a special purpose…created for a special accomplishment in predestination thus: Hebrews 5:4 4 And no man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron. Can you read the above scripture again, and take not of those two words; honour and called. An elder is an honourable person called to carry out responsibilities from which the good reports emanate. We shall talk more on this…just follow carefully as you read to the end. Now, WHAT IS A REPORT? Like the meaning of an elder, the word report has different meanings in application. Report can be described as an ACCOUNT, COMMON TALK, FEEDBACK, OPINION, etc. But in relation to this prophetic encomium in Hebrews 11, we can describe report here as a TESTIMONY…IT MUST BE A GOOD TESTIMONY FOR IT TO TERMINATE THE TERMINATORS! In other words, the elders talked about in this great Bible passage had good testimonies in their covenant relationship and walk with Divinity in relation to fulfilling a mandate in their generation. But the point of interest here is that they were not the only persons or elders with similar privileges and opportunities…there were numerous others, but there were no good testimonies or reports about them because they did not deliver or they missed in action. Please, be more alert and sensitive here, for we have come to the heart of this revealed mystery. Since the day the Lord opened my eyes to discover that there were many elders the Lord called and anointed whose names are not in Hebrews 11 as elders with good report, I have been more cautious in my walk with God and men. Read this and take heed: 1Corinthians 10:1-3, but take note and meditate deeply on verses 11-14: 11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. 12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. 13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. 14 Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry. Very important! Take nothing for granted…never abuse the grace of God, for there shall be a day of accountability before the great king eternal. May you not be found wanting on that day! Please let us pray for each other to finish strong, well and right. Men may not approve, but let God approve of your work! WHERE ARE THE POWER BROKERS…THE FRONT-LINERS…TIMBERS AND CALIBERS WHO WERE IN CATEGORY A+? Not he who starts the race may end up embracing the tape with the first position and prize. Many start well and end wrongly, some start wrongly, but adjust and correct themselves to end well, while others start on a good footing but misbehave without good reports in the race of life, and see no need to make all the necessary restitution, at the end of the day or the end of their pilgrimage there is no good report because of the two things I will show you later which are the foundations of Hebrews 11. 1. Adam and Eve were the first fruits of all humanity, being the first parents on earth, but their names were not mentioned in Hebrews 11. Find out why in Genesis 3:1-end. They believed God for what he provided but never trusted him enough to obey Him! They rather obeyed the serpent to make God a liar! Who do you obey? Honey, I advise that you obey only the Bible as the final authority. 2. Do you remember the man called Methuselah, being the oldest man that ever lived? I do not see his name in Hebrews 11 as one of the elders with good reports. You can live long on earth without relevance. It is about impact, being a plus, manifestations, not a minus or just a consumer. May you not live on this earth as a reproach, shame, disgrace, liability and a problem to your family, kindred, society, nation and generation. Sorry, I want to challenge and provoke you to stand up, drop the cheap talk and do the do in your talk to take the take as an elder with a good report. 3. I was looking for the first prophetess in Israel, the woman who saved and introduced Moses, the great servant of God into his destiny, but didn’t find her name there as an elder with good report. Not even her brother, Aaron who was the first high priest in Israel, Moses’ spokesman. Could it be because of their transgressions, slander of Moses in Numbers 12? I think this is a clear warning that we should be careful with our actions. Closely related to the above, the water of Meribah was with Moses but Moses’ name was extensively mentioned in the book of Hebrews 11 as an elder with good report. I was even wondering what Rahab the harlot was doing among the elders. Hmm, despise no one, for those you see as movers of the kingdom and the nations may not have any relationship with Divinity. This brings us to the two paramount things I said I would share with you which I think make these people and many more elders with good reports as revealed in Hebrews 11. These two things, which I think are the foundation of Hebrews 11, are FAITH and LOVE! Now, Hebrews 11:1 has vividly described what faith is as a connecting point, bridge or catalyst between man and Divinity. Verse 6 boldly expresses it as the only legal tender that pleases God. It used the words …DILIGENTLY SEEK HIM. This is too heavy! In other words, BELIEVING GOD AND BELIEVING IN GOD are not the same, let alone TRUSTING GOD! BELIEVING GOD means you believe in His word in relationship to what you can get out of Him. That is to say God is simply your collecting center or supermarket where you can just meet your needs. Please, I would not be wrong if I said that in this End Time, about ninety, if not ninety-five percent of Christians and ministers of God are here! There is a trend now in the ministry called PROOFS OF MINISTRY which include: cars, houses, big cathedrals, populous congregation, fat bank accounts, even connection to the high places...whether you have any real relationship with God or not, and anyhow you acquire those things, it doesn’t matter. They are not even interested in your consecration. What about it? What can you show for it? Oh! I believe solidly in prosperity and good success, but it cannot be obtained anyhow. I cherish my good testimony in the prophetic book of remembrance! What is in your report book? You think it is not necessary to examine yourself and your works? Oh, you are waiting until you die to go to heaven for God to send you back? This is the in thing now; we shall talk about this in another write-up. A lot of people are now claiming and talking about going to heaven and hell, and come back with messages to scatter the church and dishonour men of God because of the improper and immature ways they deliver their messages which are meant to heal and unite the church. They are making merchandise through the CDs they sell…hmmm! But here is the thing, you may not be lucky enough to be sent back like others for you to correct your report. Please, I am not being judgmental here, but simply a pen of the ever ready writer…it is the flaming pen of the Lord that is writing what you are reading! Please, do not stop reading…finish up, for there are blessings in it. Then BELIEVING IN GOD; this means believing in His person, beyond what He offers, even if you do not get the whole blessings as He had promised you. Hebrews 11:13, 39 explains this better: 13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. 39 And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise: Please, can you read that again, much more slowly? Can God allow somebody who believes in Him to pass on without receiving what He has promised? I think verse 10 answers this better: 10 For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God. Beloved, I think there are better things ahead than what we fight, struggle, hate and kill people for here! We betray each other to become relevant, just for this earthly passing glance! I do not think that the fiery competition is worth it. It is better to complement than to pull down, scatter and destroy the people Jesus died for because you want to be counted as A+ player of life! 1Corinthians 10:12 12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. The second thing is LOVE. Their faith was mixed with genuine love! The elders without good reports LOVED LITTLE, while the elders with good reports like Rahab LOVED MUCH. LOVE IS THE GREATEST. You can have great faith that moves mountains, but your love for Him is at bay…like a young man who professed great love for a girl, ready to climb the highest alp, swim across the widest and deepest ocean, fight the wildest beast, kill the strongest giant, but ended up by saying that he would be coming to see her “IF IT DIDN’T RAIN”. So a common rain can quench love? This is surprising! Do you really love God? Please, do not be in a hurry to say yes…search your heart diligently to find out what is paramount to you…THE FAME AND POPULARITY? I saw a mystery among Christ’s disciples! Have you ever wondered why Apostle John was the one who saw and wrote the book of Revelations, died last, a normal death at a good old age, even when they threw him into a drum of boiling oil in an attempt to kill him? Couldn’t the same Jesus who kept him from being fried save Peter who had the revelation of who Christ was from being crucified upside down? JOHN LOVED MUCH and went all the way, not just lying upon Christ’s bosom; he stood by Him when He was on the cross, comforting Jesus’ mother and defying the threats of the Roman soldiers. Unlike Peter who knew who Christ was but denied and absconded from Him when He needed him the most. Take stock very well, do you really love Jesus Christ and His kingdom? It is not enough to write and post powerful messages on internet. Do we have genuine encounter/dealings that will not betray that trust God has for us? What are your reports…are you a PUBLIC SUCCESS BUT PRIVATE FAILURE? Permit me to stop here for now. Watch out for the part two of this revealing DAVID’S MIGHTY MEN (2 Samuel 23:1-8). Feel free to comment, correct, criticize, share, etc. -BY APOSTLE EZEKIEL EMMANUEL DUKE For questions/enquiries, call: +2348033125516, +2348033103895, or +2347036872318. Remain blessed!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 07:00:01 +0000

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