BE AWARE As a lad raisd by a community committd religious man,I - TopicsExpress


BE AWARE As a lad raisd by a community committd religious man,I was neva taught 2 discrimin8.I learn 2 tolerate pple as I was told dat homogeneity isnt a function of group.In my pry school (L.A Oke – Esa),I neva know religion bt I noticed differences in style of prayer nd teachers’ dressing.Dis continues till J.S.S 3 in I.D.G.S. D story changed abruptly when we got to SSS1. Dat was when I began 2 sense injustice. Things became so hard on d Muslim students like we were knw to d skul. Probably in SSS1,we were banned from praying in d school premises.While in SSS2, our senior prefect who was an Alfa was deposed.Dis was a humble gentle man dat every teacher nd students adore, bt was condemned 2 being rude.He was caned in assembly ground dat day nd merely every student were crying for him.To reinforce their threat,a fence was build 2 block our path 2 mosque sited outside d school premises. Dey purposely lock gate before closing time so as 2 punish nd suspend dose who may jump fence 2 pray in d mosque.Later after a lot of struggle,dey gave a key 2 a Muslim teacher so as 2 be opening gate for us when its time for prayer.BUT ALL THOSE WHILE,A CLASS IN D SCHOOL WAS LEFT FOR FELLOWSHIP. I neva went 2 a catholic school and may be dat was why I had to feel using cape (hijab) is a crime, a symbol of segregation nd terrorism. Dat was because some Muslim girls in d skul,usually d matured ones, who deemed it fit to be using cape were victims of victimization.It began by merely harassing dem but later,it became a crime dat whosoever use it will be beaten on assembly ground.In d name of endurance nd perseverance, dese ladies went so low 2 be using head cap but yet, remain a mockery tool.Dat condition remains till I graduated in 2005. Very unfortunately,I left d skul nd neva care to check back on d condition of pple coming behind. Dis has always bn d way of many Muslims, but thank God for some concerned who thought it shouldn’t continue like dat. Dey thereby presented a simple quest; ALLOW THOSE WHO WANT TO USE HIJAB IN THE SCHOOL TO USE IT. If I may ask, how does dis translate into propaganda of Islamizing Iseyin?why should Muslims be living like a stranger in our mother land? Why should a simple matter of faith dat neva hurt anyone turn us to a criminal? Of course no culture is constant. Neither xtianity nor Islam is our traditional faith.Should it be permissible to practice any foreign faith in our motherland,practicing any to d fullest shouldn’t be a crime.This land has since long dominated nd ruled by Muslims without any problem.Y is it dat weneva Muslims seek 4 justice,dey ar tag terrorist? To my brodas nd sisters in Islam, what scares me from speaking is not criticism from detractors bt misconception by friends. Dis message goes 2 some so called secular Muslims or d Muslims by name,who will always find reason to oppose Islamic stands on issues.When religious issues are being raised,dey should eida say something reasonable or keep mute.Dey should stop presenting Muslims as warmongers to d world.Dey should stop embarrassing our leaders by describing dem with despicable names. Also, dis message is neva meant to incite anybody into protest or war, but rather 2 tickle our consciousness nd encourage us 2 seek for justice in d most peaceful way@aprpr8 tym.We shouldn’t allow ourselves 2 be ridden by emotion.we shouldn’t allow ourselves 2 be used against our purpose.Allow d hypocrites 2 continue on dia plots.Bt dey plan nd Allah plans, nd Allah is d best of planners. To my people of other faith whose heart is troubled on Islam, I thought is now time for you to start tempering justice wt mercy.In places like Iraq,Egypt,Afghanistan,Bahrain,Yemen,etc, wt Muslims’ population of over 95% of total population,it is wrong for their law 2 be Islamic but Isreal,America,UK,etc, basing their life nd constitution on Bible is right.America can go killing gross in Pakistan,Iraq,Afghanistan,etc,in d name of dt dey r violating human right but Israel keep displacing Palestinians off their land nd even seize foreign aids wt Impunity.US can strive to implicate Iran,Syria,for possessing nuclear power,bt Germany,Japan,Russia,Israel and many odas possess even more wt peace.Wests incite curfew in Libya,Egypt,Yemen,Bahrain,Central Africa Republic,etc, by imposing deir failing democracy on dem,2ru sponsor of groups,thereby destabilizing their world. Boko haram dat started wt very few people avenging on their local police for killing their leader nd some members now becomes a national threat,bombing Churches nd Mosques,killing pple (Muslim & Non-Muslims) in d name of Islam; I wonder if d caught Non-Muslims are fighting for Islam though. Dis piece is not 2 defend d evil of some Muslims,bt rather to remind u dat Islam is neva new to our land.Ask from those who may tell u, Ni Iseyin, Alfa ni baba Oba.That was hw it used to be nd yet, there was neva a problem; as dey tolerate d least tolerable acts. Strive 2 b jst in ur tnkn nd comnt,as u wl b judged accordingly.Stop creating enmity with ur words.Beware of what it may cause d society.Reserve some trust nd regards for ur Muslim frnds; for dey’ve neva hurt u. Expect some mistakes from some Muslims bcos dey are human.Dia act is for dem as a Muslim, nd d Message of Islam remains.Peace! And if u wonda why many are stil Muslims,its bcos we arnt wot u tnk of us. If dis could hapen 2 us here nd u stil call us terrorist, its enough 2 justify d other worlds. Peace to you all!
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 05:51:38 +0000

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