BE ENCOURAGING TODAY Encouragement means support, confidence or - TopicsExpress


BE ENCOURAGING TODAY Encouragement means support, confidence or hope provided to one, by a well-wisher. Encouragement becomes the driving force, which helps us climb the ladders of success or tread without falling on the path that leads to our destination. Encouragement helps to bring out the best in us, too. As human beings, all of us need encouragement to unlock our potential, especially at times, when we are feeling low or have lost all hope. When it comes to successful directors, Kevin Bacon had remarked that, “A good director creates an environment, which gives the actor the encouragement to fly.” Critics correct things, suggest improvisation and demand correction of work. Criticizing someone discourages him and discouragement breaks down the spirit of many people. In the words of Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, “Correction does much but encouragement does more.” I do believe you can give someone constructive criticism to make them better but make sure you is encouraging to them as well. If you are a parent, a husband, wife, friend, brother or sister it’s your job to encourage your family and friends and even strangers! You can always give someone a compliment to brighten their day because you have no idea what kind of day they may be having. That little encouraging word from a stranger can make all the difference. Just recently I was in line the other day at the store and I had a ton of groceries. This little old man only had a couple of items so I said to him, Oh you can go ahead in front of me, I dont mind, and he said, “No I really enjoy talking to you. Earlier I made small talk with him and joked about how busy it was and about how I like to steer clear from doing my grocery shopping when its real busy on the weekends especially when it’s the holidays and how everyone goes crazy then. We laughed and I told him to go ahead in front of me and he didnt want to. About around that time another lady in front of us got in on our conversation and then all three of us really had a beautiful moment. As she was leaving she said she really hoped to see us both in the store again and we both agreed and said our goodbyes. We all were laughing and enjoying our conversation so much that when I finished with my groceries I was really sad to leave. I hesitantly started to say goodbye and The little old man said to me, I really enjoyed talking to you young lady, I wish all people were as sweet and nice as you, and then he went on to say that he hopes he runs into me again at the store. I agreed and I told him thank you solo much and how much I really enjoyed his company. I just sat in my car a moment and held back a tear of happiness. He was so sweet and so genuine. That moment I WILL NOT EVER forget and that moment was with total stranger. So just remember you can be encouraging and a light in someones life anytime and any place. Thank you all for be my encouraging lights. I love you all and wish you the best that life has to offer.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 17:05:20 +0000

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