BE FIRM FOR THE TEST!!!!!! PART EIGHT......... Why is Patient - TopicsExpress


BE FIRM FOR THE TEST!!!!!! PART EIGHT......... Why is Patient such an Important thing when it comes to Hardship???, Because the Prophet(saw) said that AN INDIVIDUAL WHO IS PATIENT IN TIMES OF ADVERSITY HAVE ENCOURAGES THE PLEASURE OF ALLAH(SWT), AND THE INDIVIDUAL WHO IS NOT PATIENT,HE/SHE ENCOURAGE THE WRATH OF ALLAH(SWT)!! The situation is already as difficult as it is,you are in hardship/trail, why make it worst by not being patient???, an Individual who is patient and remembers Allah(SWT),they get the SALAWAT OF ALLAH(The Remembrance Allah(SWT) Upon them) They get the Rahama(Mercy) of Allah upon them!..Allah(SWT) ends the verse by saying that THEY ARE THE ONES WHO ARE TRULY GUIDED...Be FIRM and Grab HOLD of ur Deen and the Sunnah in times of Hardship and get closer to Allah(SWT), because Allah Promises that HE will Not let HIS Awlyah(Slaves HE loves) go to Ruin,HE will protect those close to HIM!, and HE will defend them!!, and HE will grant them SHADE in HIS SHADE!!!, Also we need to remember that during our hardship,Allah is MORE MERCIFUL TO HIS SLAVE THEN HIS/HER OWN MOTHER IS WITH HIM!! Allahu Akbar, this are not my words (Sahi Al-Bukhari) The Prophet(saw) saw a woman from one of the Prisoners of War,panicing and looking for her lost child that she thought was GONE for ever,so when she finally saw and Grabbed him ,In some narrations,she nursed him, Nabi Karim(saw) saw this opportunity to teach the sahabah a lesson,so He said DO YOU THINK THIS MOTHER WOULD EVER THROW HER BABY CHILD IN THE FIRE?? The Sahaba replied NEVER YA RASOOLULLAH!! and the Prophet(saw) said WALAHI!, ALLAH IS MORE MERCIFUL WITH HIS SLAVE THEN THE MOTHER IS WITH HER CHILD So remember Allah sends you the hardship to keep you in check with it!,for you to get closer to Allah!,to raise your level in Jannah or Cleans you of ur sins,Allah says in the Quran INDEED IT IS DIFFICULT TO DO THIS,EXCEPT FOR THOSE WHO ARE PIOUS,HUMBLE AND ADOPT THE LAWS OF ALLAH(SWT) WHOLEHEARTEDLY.....will continue Later
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 10:33:08 +0000

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