BE IN WUDHU ALL THE TIME.... WUDHU AND SCIENCE!!! AMAZING.. Wudhu has many scientific benefits on human being . But remember we should do Wudhu for the pleasure of Allah . A SEMINAR IN WEST GERMANY: The problem of depression is growing in the Western countries, brain failure is being reported and more mental asylums are being established. Long queues of psychiatric patients may be seen before Psychiatrists. A Pakistani physiotherapist who holds a diploma from West Germany states that a seminar on the topic “WHAT CURES OTHER THAN MEDICINES ARE POSSIBLE FOR DEPRESSION was held in Western Germany. WUDHU AND DEPRESSION! One of the doctors revealed an amazing discovery in his speech by saying, I get the face of patients with depression washed five times per day and after few days their disease reduced. Then I get the face, hands and feet of a similar group of patients washed five times a day and they healed up to a great extent. The same doctor accepts in the end of his speech that the problem of depression is less in Muslims as they wash face, hands and feet (i.e. during Wudhu)several times daily. WUDHU AND BLOOD PRESSURE! A heart specialist assures that if a patient of hypertension is asked to perform Wudhu and then his blood pressure is checked, his B.P. will be definitely lower. A Muslim Psychiatrist states, The best cure for psychiatric patients lies in Wudhu.The western experts get body parts of psychiatric patients washed several times like Wudhu. WUDHU AND PARALYSIS ! Even the order of washing organs during Wudhu is beneficial. Washing of hands in the first step motivates the nervous system of the body and then slowly effects transmit towards veins of face and brain. The order of washing hands, then mouth-wash, then nose-wash and then washing of remaining organs reduces probability of paralysis. Please spread this message and the let the whole world know that whatever Allah commands is for the benefit of mankind. SUBHANALLAH
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 10:02:38 +0000

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