BE MORE AWARE AND ALERT OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS AND WHATS GOING ON AROUND YOU. As we enter the HOLIDAY season, I would like to give you a reminders, SECURITY TIPS ..... from the Regional Security Office : Tip # 1: Pickpockets operate most successfully in crowds. If you are carrying a purse or small bag, we suggest that the item be tucked under your arm and close to the body. Keep at least one hand over the clasp. Tip # 2: Stay alert and BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS. Use your third sense. Tip # 3: If you are carrying a wallet, you may want to consider keeping it in a front pocket or in a concealable money belt. In crowds, consider covering your wallet with your hand. Tip # 4: Do not count your money while walking or shopping. Tip # 5: It is good practice to keep some money separate from your wallet. Also consider only carrying the identification, money and credit cards you will actually need. Always maintain a photo-copy of your credit cards and identification in a safe location. Tip # 6: If someone suspicious is following you, walk into the nearest store or restaurant and ask for assistance. Tip # 7: Never leave your car unlocked or any packages, belongings or luggage in plain view. Tip # 8: If you use ATMs, ask your friends to watch your back or at least be aware of someone trying to look over your shoulder (shoulder surfing). Tip # 9: If possible, avoid traveling or shopping alone. Safety is usually in numbers. Tip # 10: If you are out enjoying the holiday festivities, consider calling a taxi to pick you up and take you home. AT LEAST ONE DAY BEFORE YOU LEAVE ON VACATION Tip # 11: Arrange with a neighbor or a colleague to pick up and hold your mail and newspapers so they do not pile up. If this is not possible, contact your post office and news carrier to discontinue these deliveries. Tip # 12: Make arrangements to have someone check daily to re move throwaway papers and circulars from your doorway and yard. Tip # 13: If you have valuables in the house, take them to your bank for storage in a safety deposit box. Deposit your extra cash in your bank account. Tip # 14: Make sure any broken windows, door locks or window locks are repaired. Tip # 15: Notify your section supervisor, Management and the RSO about your departure / return dates,
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 00:21:47 +0000

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