BE PATIENT AND READ THROUGH Read Papers presented by our - TopicsExpress


BE PATIENT AND READ THROUGH Read Papers presented by our Patrons & Resource Persons on various occasions THE DYNAMICS OF Resourceful PLANING -- REV.P.K EMEABA # 0ne of the things that I have come to know is that , there are things you like to eat , and there are things that you do not like to eat. Both the things that you like to eat and the one that you do not like to eat are profitable to your body. # You cannot just eat carbonhydrate only. You must eat vitamins, vegetables, meats, and other things that are good for the health of your body. # All Isreal were in need of manna from Heaven whether it is nice or not. # All scriptures are profitable for doctrine, for correction,for report,for instruction in righteuosness so that the man of God will be thoroughly furnished for every good work. # The word of the God is the door to any desired future, the word of God is the visa to your prophecy. The word of God is a light unto th enternity, it cannot be contested forever and ever. # This book of the Lord shall not depart out of your mouth, you shall meditate therein day and night. That thou mayest observe to do what is written therein, that thou mayest make your way prosperous. # In this meeting God is bringing a word your that wil make you prosperous. ( 2chronicles 2:9) # So prepare timber for me in abundance for the temple which iam about to build shall be great and wonderful. # God is about to build a great and wonderful temple in you. But there is the need for preparation and planing.. For the temple of God to be build there must be preparation . For the plan of God to be extablish, for desire of God to be actualise, there must be of necessity a definite preparation. # For the intention of God, or for the dream of God for your life to come to fulfillment, there must be adequate preparation and planning. # ( 90 MINUTES AT ENTEBE FILM ANALOGY) MOSES, DAVID, JACOB AND JOSEPH Heb 2:2. # Heb 8:5 Who serve unto the example and shadow of Heavenly things, as Moses, was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle. For see saith he that thou MAKE ALL THINGS ACCORDING TO THE PARTTERN SHOWED TO THEE IN THE MOUNT. # Make sure you build everything according to the parttern God showed to you. Without a plan there is frustratioin, without preparation there will be disappointment. # What is t he plan for the fulfilment of your prophecy. It is necessary to have a dream. God is giving dreams to His children upon the face of the earth in this season and in this time. # After your dream, they must be a plan . Absence of a plan dream will be aborted. Without a plan dream cannot become a reality. # See God is giving us plans that will make dreams a reality in the name of Jesus. Poor preparation and bad planing will produce poor performance. A plan that is bad will produce a bad execution. # Success in your business requires a good plan. Success in your marriage requires a good plan. Success in all Human endeavour requires a good plan. # When God gave Moses a plan , it was to make sure that there was an execution of that dream. Take my people out of the Land of bondage to the Land of Promise. # When they reached a certain point, God said to Moses stop and he went up to the moutain to receive a plan. Why? Because progress without plan will lead to frustration. # Moses went up to the moutain to recieve a definite a plan for the movement into the promise Land. It is possible for a dream or prophecy to remain unachieveable in the absence of a working plan. # When he came down from the mountain , God said build according to that plan. This was the security for the prophecy. # The security for your vision will come during this meeting as God downloads the plans to you. # Every high buiding requires an architectural drawing. When there is no drawing, there can be no building. # There is no need to embark on building without an architectural blueprint of the intended structure. May God give plans for that vision you are seeing. # In the Holy Scripture :1corinth 3:10 Paul said according to the grace given to me as a master- wise-builder. Let every man take note of what foundation he is building upon. # No good builder can build withoput a plan. What plan has God given to you for the dream that is drawn in your heart. # It is not enough to have dream, you need to have the plan , the architectural blue print to make it work. # Don’t build according to the drawing of men, you need to build according to drawing of He # As you build according to the plan God gives you, no weapon formed againmst will prosper. The gates of hell will not prevail against what you built. # A wrrong plan will produce a wrong building. God can give you a dream tha is wonderful, but if you don ‘t receive a plan you will build a wonderful wrong -building. # God is warnig us not only to have dreams and vision, but also to have a plan. # PS.113 The Bible says if the foundation be destroy what can the righteous do ? # May God give us p lans from Heaven that will make us build building that will stand the test of time and will glorify God. # Hear Him and reiceve the plan. Do not just talk about your dream. Keep quiet until God has given you the prophecy, the vision and a working plan. # There must be a plan , it is important you understand that there must be a plan . You cvannot build a destiny without a plan. # You cannot build a business without a plan. You cannot build a home without a plan. You cannot just marry one another without a plan, you canno0t just begin to raise children without a plan. You must have a spelt out plan. # Having a plan is everything to a builder. A builder cannot start building until he has recieve a plan. You can have the wood, steel, you can have the cement, you can have the money, you cannot start building until you receive a plan. # There must be a plan , Isaiah 30:15 says in quietness and in confidence shall be your strenght. Is not runingg around. # You can have all it takes to build a house, youy can even work very hard everyday of your life, without a plan you wil;l produce a defected building. # It is not how much block you have, it is not how many cement you make, it is not how much wood you have at hand. IT IS BUILDING THE HOUSE according to architectural drawing that matters. May God give us the BLUE-PRINT that will help us. Build what you have been instructed to build. # Our result will last for time and enternity. Plan for where you are going, make plan for tomorrow. # Draw a plan for your future, your desttiny and, your lifestyle today is an indicator of where you will see yourself tomorrow. # The way you live your life today, shows me how you end up tomorrow. You cannot hope to fly ‘sosoliso aircraft’ and ggo to motor park to wait for it. # If you are going to a place of breakthrough - you must plan for breakthrough, if you are going to a place of success - you must plan for success. If you are going for a prosperity, you must plan for a properity. # You cannot want to go soputh and head North. Plan for where you are going, it is an indication of where you see yourself going the wing of speed. Great victory reside in those that plan. # Joshua6:2 The Lord said to joshua see I have given unto you Jericho. # That was the dream, that was the vision, that was the promise, that was the expectation, that is the picture that God painted, God said certainly have I given you Jericho, I have given you the Kings and the Mighty Men of Valour. # When God gave the promise he did not stop there, God also the plan to Joshua. May God give you a plan for the promise in Jesus name. Thjis plan will terminate you from frusttration. This plan terminate your pains. # This plan will bring your expectation into reality .God sasid to joshua I have given you Jericho, I have given you the Kings, I have given you the people, this is the plan for your prophecy. # God said you will compass the city for 6 days, on the 7th day you will go about it seven times. God gave Joshua a plan that must executed for the realisation of the promise. # My question to you bis what is your vision and what have you to actualise this lofty vision of yours. Without a definite plan you stand to loose out in the affairs of life. # Great planners are great Climbers in the affairs of life. The man you see there on top of any mountain got there by a conscious planing. It is never a product of ‘bubu-yaya’ Without careful planning. # Great victories does not come by mere prophecies, they come by prophecy and a correspondent plan. # One of the traditional problem of the Believers is that : if God promise it … it is settled. Who tells you that. This is a traditional problem that begets no major result. # God has promised it but receive a plan , a parttern about how exactly the promise will become a reality. # You lose a battle when you don’t have a good plan . Every good dream deliver to reality is ttraceable to a definite plan. You must have a plan for your life , you must have a plan for your business, plan for your family. # A short-term plan , one year, two , three or five years has short-term impact on your life. You must for the next 10years, 15years, and above. I know we are going to Heaven but as accomplished souls, we must first be useful on this planet to qualify a superior planet called the Paradise. # time is wastd when a plan is not in place. If you are going somewhere you don’t know how to get there you spend your time in vain. # May God put a plan in your mind, in your heart, in your thinking. Bad planing destroys opportunities. # Look at me I want to give an illustration about a farmer, soldier . Absence of good plan make most of people to be stranded when they should be a charge of direction. # 1king18 The prophet said to Ahab I hear the sound of abundant rain, for this reason arise, eat, drink-take your chariot less the harvest overtake you. # God is talking to someone to get ready for the Harvest, you mustt be prepared for a harvest before it comes . If you are not prepared the harvest will come but you will not benefit from it. # If there is no planing , that which was meant to be a blessing can turn out to be a curse. # Is there anything that God want to do in your life that requires planing and preparation , you better apply yourself to planing or you lose it. You don’t plan when the harvst is already come. # Write down the visio0n, also articulate the plan to step into its reality. Write down your expectation. Ask God how to drive into the fulfilment of the prophecy. # Abraham was prepared for war anyday not just hope in prayer without a plan. The scripture said that he has 318 trained Men in his own house. So when the invaders carried away Lot , he did not start planing how to raise up soldiers rather assembled his men of war and over-ride the enemies and took LOT back. # He was a friend of God and yet he has a plan of war. The tragedy of our day is tongue-talking believers living a planless life in empty faith. Oh what a tragedy. Without a plan for this season what happened to last year will obvious repeat itself. # God has not bless you the way you want because you not prepare for it. Your wife is not ready, your husband is not ready, things around you are not yet ready. # As a farmer you mustt till the ground before the seed is sown. Train your workers for the oncomimg blessing. Train your chidren, train whole family. # Obasanjo did not come to the throne for the second time by chance. There was a plan somewhere awaiting for the mandate. Are you not surprised that the first thing he did as he gained the mandate was to divide the armaments in the Dodan Barrack. # It is only among us we see Leaders, Pastors , Deacons and members without a definite blue-print PLAN taking the center stage to give direction to others. # In the secular world if you don’t have a certificate for Medicine you don’t give medical instruction, you don’t treat anybody or else you kill people. # The certificate is a symbology of plan, the expertise that qualify you to give any insttruction. Planing is a spirirtual principle. # It is a spiritual principle that there must be preparation. There must be planing to step into a place of authority. Or to step into any envious venture in life. Adam was made after the garden of Eden was already prepared. Everything he needed was already in place in the Garden. # Before an Aircraft will fly, there has to be preparation and plan for the journey. The Pilot and the Co-pilot will turn the rudder, put the engine full-blast. It will begin to accelerate the runway, because the aeroplane need enough runing to gain the momntum to thrust into the atmosphere. # It is necessary that we make plan. Plan your time, plan your years, plan your buisiness, your home, your family. Let me attempt here to give you things to plan for: =1. plan your spiritual progress 2. what is your agenda for the word of God. 3. what is your agenda for prayer 4. plan your Giving agenda 5. plan your agenda for association # Your wife should know the plan, your husband should know the plan. Your children should be involve in the spiritual plan for the home. # God said to Abraham I know that you will teach your children about my way. # plan time with your family. Do your children know you enough?. Plan your finances, plan your devotion, you will not win the world and lose your family in Jesus name. # Whatever you do not value, you lose PLAN FOR YOUR BUSINESS: # What will I be investing in, you don’t invest on something you don’t know very well. # What is the plan for your starting, what kind of people are you going to involve in your business. # If our business will have branch- what kind of person will handle it. You don’t employ anybody because they are your Cousin or relation, they must have the knowledge of the business. # You must be discipline to follow the plan of God. The absence of a plan will make you a failure no matter how much you try to work out things. # If you have a plan , you will not turn any how on your way. You will be focussed. # Have a physical plan for your body. Your body is your solid goldmine. If you take good care of it you surely will live longer on this ontological void -earth
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 18:33:21 +0000

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