BE REAL WITH YOURSELF!!! YES, BE REAL FOR ONCE This year 2014...Let nothing DISTRACT your RELATIONSHIP & COVENANT with GOD. If the friends that you are keeping right now are a BUNCH of DISTRACTION to you, CUT OFF & SEPARATE yourself from them. Also, if they are WILLING to CHANGE, change them & bring them to CHRIST. Theres no REWARD in HEAVEN for SOMEBODY who is GOOD in the MORNING & BAD at NIGHT. Dont allow your low SELF-ESTEEM or INFERIORITY COMPLEX to rob You of GODS BLESSINGS upon your LIFE this YEAR. You are as much more important as that person today. CREATE the new IDENTITY & PICTURE for YOURSELF. Talk right & always DRESS DECENTLY. Dont allow SOMEONE else BAD ATTITUDE, CHARACTER, BEHAVIOUR & ACTION INFLUENCES your GOD-GIVEN IDENTITY. Be PROUD, CONFIDENCE & HAPPY with YOURSELF always. You are a GLORIOUS PERSON on EARTH. You are so PECULIAR in the SIGHT of GOD GOD has CHOSEN YOU to be a SOURCE of BLESSINGS to this GENERATION IN FACT, GOD had made YOU a ROYAL PRIESTHOOD...1 Peter 2:9. The moment you begin to know this DEEP TRUTH, you will DISCOVER that YOU are not CREATED on earth by LUCK but, by GODS GRACE as written in the BOOK of JEREMIAH 29:11. Separate yourself from some people/friends who are not ready to change positively this year 2014 (1 Cor 15:33). Be HAPPY & PROUD of YOURSELF always whether there is money or not, Whether you are married or not Whether there is children or not Whether you are sad or not etc. Laugh to the devil and tell that old fool that: MY OWN MIRACLES ARE ON THEIR WAY TO MEET ME THIS YEAR. Common, be HAPPY, REJOICE, SING PRAISES, WORSHIP GOD WHOLEHEARTEDLY, READ your BIBLE with JOY PRAY with much EXCITEMENTS, GIVE & RENDER NICE HELP to PEOPLE from your SPIRIT. I can assure that when you begin to demonstrate and do all these, YOUR ENEMIES WILL BE AFRAID OF YOU and YOU WILL BECOME TOO HOT FOR THE DEVILS. God understands your condition more than you do, He knows your major problems, but let it not divide your attention or relationship between your communication with GOD. GOD does not like some CHRISTIANS that come to His PRESENCE to PRAY only for them to be thinking of other things...GOD does not like some CHRISTIANS who cannot EXERCISE STABLE FAITH with HIM. GOD does not like some CHRISTIANS who uses their own MOUTH to bring other PEOPLE down & they are a PRAYER WARRIOR. GOD does not like some CHRISTIANS that PRAY very WELL & FAST very GOOD, yet still COMPLAINS, MURMURS & CONSULT other DEMONIC POWER. GOD is WARNING you if you are the person. CENTRAL POINT: Be REAL & PROUD of YOURSELF. Dont FAKE your IDENTITY. Be in one place. If you want to serve GOD, serve GOD WHOLEHEARTEDLY. if you want to serve the devil, serve the devil. THE POINT IS:- There is no reward for a man in HEAVEN that serves two MASTERS. ☆GOD BLESS US AS WE OBEY GODS WORDS & DO HIS WILL☆
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 23:29:29 +0000

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